2021-09-07 ET-W2AT Meeting

2021-09-07 ET-W2AT Meeting


Sep 8, 2021 11:00-12:30UTC


1. Introductions

2. How will ET-W2AT work; what are its priorities?

  • Prioritization: Technical Regulations for INFCOM2*

  • Engagement with other Expert Teams

  • Confluence

  • Regular meetings

  • Discussion: agree on working methods and routine meeting cadence.

* INFCOM2 now delayed from Feb 2022 until Nov 2022

3. Evolution not revolution

  • Aim: to make the “entry ticket” for WIS2 participation as simple as possible

  • Discussion: what are the key technical blockers to participation in WIS1?

  • Discussion: what should we prioritise for our approach in transition from WIS1 to WIS2?

4. Shared services for GISCs

  • Why shared services?

  • Discussion: feasibility of a shared service approach.

  • Discussion: how should we approach organising the GISC community for shared service provision?

5. Underpinning functions that impact all WIS Centres

  1. Providing access to data: Web services not GTS

  2. Metadata and catalogues: Simple data publication and better discovery

  3. Real-time notifications: Evolution of GTS - pub-sub messaging and phase out routing tables

  4. QoS, performance monitoring, cybersecurity: How do we know WIS2 is working?

Discussion: what are the key changes from WIS1? (we all need to be on the same page)

Discussion: have we missed anything? (is this list complete)

6. Where do we need draft Tech Regs for INFCOM2

See Plan | INFCOM2:

Discussion: agree on the priority topics for Tech Reg development

7. Organising ET-W2AT to get the work done


8. Next meeting


  • @Rémy Giraud

  • @Jeremy Tandy (Unlicensed)

  • @Pablo Loyber (Unlicensed)

  • @Tom Kralidis (Unlicensed)

  • @Ken Tsunoda (Unlicensed)

  • @Li Xiang (Unlicensed)

  • @Dana Ostrenga (Unlicensed)

  • @peter.silva (Unlicensed)

  • @Henning Weber (Unlicensed)

  • Dale Hubbard

WMO Secretariat

  • @Peiliang Shi (Unlicensed)

  • @Enrico Fucile

  • @HADDOUCH Hassan

  • @Anna Milan

  • @David Berry

  • @Xiaoxia Chen


  • @sabai.fatima (Unlicensed)

  • @thorsten.buesselberg (Unlicensed)

Background information

Our priority is preparing draft Technical Regulations - concrete technical specifications that will help Members begin to design their contributions to WIS 2.0.


Following discussion with Remy, we've created a list of the priority topics. See the WIS2 Confluence pages (you should all have access):


Plan - WIS 2.0


A number of other, lower priority topics are identified as discussion items. We'll get to these if we have time. We may be able to cover these in an INF paper for INFCOM2. Which means no need for translation, and a few extra weeks of working time.


We have also captured the current thinking about the architecture of WIS 2.0. This is also published on Confluence.


Architecture - WIS 2.0


Our overriding aim with WIS 2.0 is to make participation easier while still delivering the vision of WIS. For those not familiar with WIS 2.0, please see the attached presentation that provides a very short overview with some links to more detailed documentation. Check out the presentation notes for more detail.


Back on the Confluence pages, you will see several topics covered in further detail:

·        Metadata and catalogues

·        Real-time notifications via pub/sub messaging

·        Providing data access

·        Quality of Service / performance monitoring


Please read this material. Nothing is approved yet (it's up to ET-W2AT to make those recommendations) - but I think the proposals do provide a great start.


I encourage you to use the comment functions with Confluence to ask questions and contribute your ideas etc. Alternatively, just edit the Confluence pages themselves - but please to mark your additions with you name so that we can see where changes are coming from.

 Meeting Notes

Discussion topics




  1. Introductions



2. How will ET-W2AT work; what are its priorities?



  • Prioritisation: Technical Regulations for INFCOM2*

  • Engagement with other Expert Teams

  • Confluence

  • Regular meetings

Discussion: agree working methods and routine meeting cadence.

 Jeremy informed the team that INFCOM session will be held in November 2022 not in February as previously planned and this will be considered in the workplan of the team. New technical regulations of WIS 2 need to be submitted to INFCOM before being finally approved by Cg-19 in 2023.

 Rémy. The team is going to deal with two aspects of WIS 2: Architecture and Transition. Item 3: “Evolution not revolution” is also about transition.

 Jeremy highlighting the importance of the transition: starting new services, phasing out GTS routing table needs a careful planning, and it will take long time.

 Rémy. Explaining that the team is made by members connected with the technical teams bringing some of the technical work and the architects to glue the WIS2 components in a consistent architecture.

 Jeremy. Developing technical specification based on a coherent architecture and working with other teams to develop tech. regs. and implement. There is another WIS2 team that is working on the engagement side. It is led by Tobias Spears. The team on engagement will work in parallel and provide material for the development of WIS2 architecture gathered in the engagement activities.

 Team discussing the frequency of the meetings. DECIDED 90 minutes monthly meeting at 11 UTC.

 Jeremy. Make the entry barrier to WIS as low as possible is the primary principle for WIS2 development.

 Rémy. We need a way to facilitate the transition from GTS to the new WIS2 exchange mechanisms. We plant to use MQPs, but not everyone will be able to run a broker. We need to have centers able to provide the brokers to foster the transition for Members not able to host a broker. We need to provide the big picture and the pragmatic way of making the transition.

 Jeremy. New technology come into play, providing value to the community in the medium to long term. What we need to design is something that easy for Members to adopt. We need to develop an approach that provides a roadmap for people to be able to run ahead if they want.

 Rémy. We need to avoid having a small set of countries running ahead.

 Enrico. We should start from the Countries in need of technology, not from developed countries

 Baudouin. We to decide if the gateway is going to be both ways or one way. We may fail if we provide a gateway to GTS.

Enrico informed the meeting that  INFCOM2 now delayed from Feb 2022 to Nov 2022

3. Evolution not revolution


  • Aim: to make the “entry ticket” for WIS2 participation as simple as possible

  • Discussion: what are the key technical blockers to participation in WIS1?

  • Discussion: what should we prioritise for our approach in transition from WIS1 to WIS2?

Tom. Barriers: Complexity of discovery metadata. Lack of clarity of granularity. We need quality assessment to improve metadata. Search API is also complex.

Dana. Improvement of search and discoverability. So many standard and we need to be sure that we don’t utilize standards that conflict with what is already used.

Tom. There are many low barrier ways to create metadata where the browser becomes the search tool. OGC is working on developing a new standard that is going to provide lower barriers for the users.

Dana. There is work on developing platform supporting STAC. A lot of support from many organizations on supporting STAC and having metadata discovery capability.

Baudouin. We should separate the architecture from the actual implementation. We should first propose the functions rather than the implementations of those functions. Mixing the implementation with general functions and architecture can confuse the reader and make documents unclear. We need to separate the two.

Enrico. There is the need to keep the complexity and the topology of the network simple to decrease the required level of coordination between centers and Countries.

Hassan. Data volume is increasing. We should be open on the cloud technology to be able to ingest all kind of information.

4. Shared services for GISCs


  • Why shared services?

  • Discussion: feasibility of a shared service approach.

  • Discussion: how should we approach organising the GISC community for shared service provision?

 Jeremy. It presents an opportunity. We should not go into details today. Just discuss of the opportunity. We have over-resilience capability with 15 GISCs providing all the same functions. There is the opportunity to simplify what GISC provides with diversification of the functions. We need to talk about the feasibility.

 Rémy. Recalling long discussions on the way to synchronise the metadata of 15 GISCs. This was draining resources from the activities of having a central role in establishing WIS in their regions.

5. Underpinning functions that impact all WIS Centres


  1. Providing access to data: Web services not GTS

  2. Metadata and catalogues: Simple data publication and better discovery

  3. Real-time notifications: Evolution of GTS - pub-sub messaging and phase out routing tables

  4. QoS, performance monitoring, cybersecurity: How do we know WIS2 is working?

Discussion: what are the key changes from WIS1? (we all need to be on the same page)

Discussion: have we missed anything? (is this list complete)

Jeremy. Explaining that we need to agree on the basic blocks on which to build WIS2.

Providing data access via Web services will simplify the access for the user and the publication for the provider. It will serve the LDCs. The access via Web will also require the notification when new data are published. The use of pub/sub will simplify topology and decrease the level of coordination necessary.

The MQPs are going to be a brand-new technology for many Members and clear technical regulations need to be provided to make sure that Members are going to be able to implement them.

Baudouin. One of the reasons of the failure of WIS1 was the poor quality of metadata.

Tom. TT-WISMetadata is working on KPIs to improve metadata and controlled vocabularies are important to improve the quality of metadata.

6. Where do we need draft Tech Regs for INFCOM2


Discussion: agree the priority topics for Tech Reg development

Enrico. There will be the need to decide where to insert the tech regs produced and if we need a WIS2 manual. The Secretariat will make a study on how to evolve the Manual and Guide and make proposals.

The team will focus on the content of the technical regulations and the Secretariat will take care of providing the Manual or Guide where they have to be inserted.

Action items


  • To hold a regular meeting on a monthly basis: 11:00-12:30 UTC

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