2024-07-08-Global Services Test
bre Date
Jul 8, 2024 13:00-15:00 UTC
Rémy GIRAUD (SC-IMT Chair)
Lei XUE (SC-IMT Co-Vice-Chair)
Yoritsugi YUGE (JMA)
Steve Olson (NOAA)
Chemseddine El Garai (DMN)
Max Marno (SYNOPTIC)
Xinqiang HAN (CMA)
Wenjing GU (CMA)
Schremmer Antje (DWD)
Saad Almajnooni (NCM)
Omar Daftardar (NCM)
WMO Secretariat
Xiaoxia CHEN
Peiwen JIN
Jeremy TANDY
Hyumin EOM (KMA)
Ara Eom (KMA)
Thorsten Büßelberg (DWD)
Agenda and Notes
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Opening | Rémy | Rémy introduces the participants, highlighting their roles in Global Services. |
Update on progress | Rémy | Test specification were shared on GitHub. https://github.com/wmo-im/wis2-global-services-testing
Test infrastructure update | Rémy | A set of VMs to be used as WIS2 Nodes, will be deployed for 3 months. Rémy to share the details with Timo to implement the test environment. (Question: Steve) Two test environment
GC (NCM) | NCM colleagues | Saad Almajnooni requests to have a one-on-one meeting with Secretariat and/or Rémy for the next steps. Rémy confirmed that the next steps for NCM to connect to the WIS2 Network is 1) to provide the GC endpoint connections details with the Secretariat to be shared with all GB operators to subscribe to the GC(NCM). 2) the Secretariat to share the GB connection details with GC(NCM) to subscribe. Xiaoxia confirmed such information was shared last Tuesday and will resend it. |
Timetable change | All | The final report of the Global Services Performance Tests Preparation meeting held from 21 to 24 May 2024 in Tokyo, Japan , with the updated schedule, can be found here. Highlight of the changes: Global Broker:
Global Cache:
(Note: Considering a) Korea (KMA) is likely not to join the test, pending confirmation, and b) Friday and Saturday are the official days of rest in Saudi Arabia, JMA readily accepted the adjustment, moving the date from October 10 to October 11. Test for Saudi Arabia is scheduled on 10 October. If KMA decides to join the GC test, an additional day will be scheduled.)
Discussion | All |
Next meeting | All | 22 July 13:00-15:00 UTC to continue discussion on the updated version of GB document, GDC, GC and download part. Teams Link: Meeting ID: 354 241 739 113 Passcode: 35YDCC |
Xiaoxia to have a one-on-one meeting with GISC Jeddah for the next steps.
Rémy to schedule a bilateral meeting with Thorsten to discuss on the GC(DWD) test.
Max to provide the cost of stripped down version of the GC on AWS cloud credits for WIS2 Dev test environment.
Max to provide a proposal for data download from GC for the team to agree on, such as JMeter instances.
Max to discuss with Antje, Lei, to write specific scenarios of GC.
Timo to provide texts to add the predictable scenarios.
Masato to schedule a meeting with Jeremy, Max to discuss on the shared Global Cache