

Prioritisation for Jun-Dec 2021

For INFCOM2 we need to prioritise development of draft Technical Regulations that will have most impact on Members. This is a subset of the architectural concerns relating to WIS2 implementation. Other topics may be introduced at INFCOM2 for discussion.

Over the next 6-months, our aim is to keep the work of the Experts focused on delivering a set of tangible recommendations, avoiding dilution of effort.

Right now, the WIS community needs tangible technical information that helps them understand and respond to the coming change.

We need the "entry specification" for WIS2 participants to clear and simple: File server + publishing notification messages + publishing simple metadata records.


Draft Technical Regulations:

·        Message Format

·        Message protocol

·        Topic Structure

·        Message broker network topology

·        Catalogue - search

·        Catalogue - populating content

·        Metadata format(s)

Discussion items:

·        File distribution options

·        Replay / catch-up service

·        QoS / performance monitoring

·        Shared service model (?)

Product Backlog ideas:

  •  Search

  • Message broker network

  • Catalogue design and metadata records

  • Low-latency, resilient delivery of time-critical "global exchange" data

  • Performance reporting from GISCs, DCPCs, and NCs; noting the need to test performance from multiple points around the globe (is this a new GISC function?)

  • Data access: files

  • Data access: Web services (e.g. OGC-API)

  • Data access: Hosted Processing on cloud platform

Key messages:

"Kill the GTS"; i.e. evolve the GTS with new protocols and retire TTAAii headers and Routing Tables etc.



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