2024-10-28-Global Services Test

2024-10-28-Global Services Test


Oct 28, 2024 13:00-15:00 UTC


  • Rémy GIRAUD (SC-IMT Chair)

  • Jeremy TANDY (SC-IMT Co-Vice-Chair)

  • Masato FUJIMOTO (JMA)

  • Chemseddine El Garai (DMN)

  • Xinqiang HAN (CMA)

  • Xue Lei (CMA)

  • HAN xinqiang(CMA)

  • GU Wenjing (CMA)

  • Hyumin EOM (KMA)

  • Yoritsugi YUGE (JMA)

  • Steve Olson (NOAA)

  • Kari Sheets (NOAA)

  • Marc Giannoni

  • Jose Mauro(Brazil)


  • Mingjiao GONG (CMA)

WMO Secretariat

  • Hassan Haddouch

  • Anna Milan


  • Thorsten Büßelberg (DWD)

  • Schremmer Antje (DWD)

  • Saad Almajnooni (NCM)




















Wrap-up on the performance tests of GS 










Hassan presented the results of the Global Services tests. The results can be fount in GitHub wis2-global-services-testing/global-services-testing/sections/results at main · wmo-im/wis2-global-services-testing (github.com)


Global Broker Tests



Global Broker Brazil




Global Broker China




Global Broker France




Global Broker USA




Global Cache Tests


Global Cache China




Global Cache Germany




Global Cache Korea


The GC tested is not that one used in the pre-operational phase


Global Cache UK/USA




Global Cache  Japan




Global Cache Saudi Arabia


Another test is scheduled for 19 November


Global Discovery Catalogue


Global Discovery  Catalogue Canada




Global Discovery  Catalogue China




Global Discovery  Catalogue Germany




Global Monitor


Global Monitor China




Global Monitor Morocco






Rémy and Jeremy thanked all the participants that contributed to the tests.

A discussion took place regarding the hared subscription, and participants agreed to await the results of the second test of the Global Cache Saudi Arabia before deciding on whether to implement this concept in WIS 2.0.

In response to a question from Jeremy regarding JMA’s intention, Masato reported that work is ongoing to resolve the issue with plana to rerun the tests in November if all goes expected. He further confirmed that JMA accept that GC JMA to be disconnected from WIS2 if the tests failed.

Rémy noted that, in addition to the Global Cache, JMA is also operating the GTS2WIS2 Gateway. He emphasized that these two services should remain distinct and highlighted JMA's commitment to continue providing the GTS2WIS2 Gateway under all circumstances.

Regarding the USA GB certificate, Marc clarified that the USA is using a valid certificate and is not utilizing web sockets. Rémy confirmed this as well. Hassan will update the results based on this discussion.

In response to a question about the possibility of scheduling regular tests in the future, Hassan reported that Japan has submitted a request to EC-78 to develop a formal approval procedure for Global Services, which will include specifying the frequency of Global Services tests. He further added that these tests will also be used to phase out any Global Services that are not compliant with WIS 2.0.

In response to Jeremy's question regarding dashboard access, it was agreed that only Global Services and GISCs will have access to the dashboard to fulfill their roles in monitoring WIS 2.0 and supporting members within their areas of responsibility.

Before the end of the meeting a discussion has been raised on the priorities to be discussed before the ET-WISOP meeting beginning December 2024. It was agreed to cover the following topics:

  • Alerting mechanism and Incident Management System

  • WIS2 Topic Hierarchy

  • Mechanism to support WIS 2.0 clients in filtering Tropical Hierarchy (WTH) to retrieve the specific data and products that meet their needs.



  • JMA GTS2WIS2 Gateway service shall continue

  • JMA Global Cache will be disconnected from WIS2 if the tests failed

  • The shared subscription concept will be discussed after the Saudi Arabia GC tests scheduled on 19 November

  • Three meeting will be planned to continue the discussion on November 11, 18 and 25


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