2024-02-15 WIS2 Monitoring and ET-W2AT Meeting

2024-02-15 WIS2 Monitoring and ET-W2AT Meeting


Feb 15, 2024 13:00-15:00 UTC



  • Rémy GIRAUD

  • Jeremy TANDY


  • Thorsten BÜSSELBERG


  • Kai Wirt

  • Chems eddine ELGARRAI

WMO Secretariat

  • Hassan Haddouch

  • Maaike Limper

  • @Xiaoxia Chen

  • David Berry

  • Anna Milan

 Discussion topics






Round table introduction


Develop non-regulatory material for WIS2 operations · Issue #109 · wmo-im/wis2-guide · GitHub

Stress test scheduled in May 2024

(Rémy) ad hoc set up between WIS2 Monitoring and ET-W2AT. Two aspects, 1) agree on the method of Monitoring (ET-OM is to take care of operational aspects)

  1. to agree on the monitor metrics and its mechanism. ET-OM need to define the requirements and also specification for WIS2 Monitoring notification

(new structure) INFCOM-MG last week was held. Discussion involved procedure aspects, such as INF/P selection. New structure will be approved at INFCOM-3 to be held in April 2024.

  • scope of the meting

(Maaike) scope of the meting? stress test, what were proposed are not ready. GS are not all publishing metrics. We also need to monitor the Global Monitor operators.

(Jeremy) requirements for Global Monitor? Any thought about of the interim monitoring?

(Maaike) endpoint metrics, Global Service metrics are implemented in line with the requirements. Secretariat can help look at this aspect.

It will be working as very important input for the interim report.

(Rémy) small team naming conventions for the metrics, which will be introduced into Guide. DWD is providing GC Metrics + France is providing GB Metrics.

Looking at Morocco’s situation, to define the strategy based on the current work (working parts+not working parts)

The scope of the meeting in upcoming three months is (1) to define the metrics to be agreed (2)ask the GS to provide the metrics

(Hassan) (1) to define the metrics to be agreed (2) Monitoring directives, making sure GISC Casablanca understand the metrics and their definition

(Rémy) regarding sensor centre, it is not our priority at the moment. We will park it aside.



GitHub - wmo-im/wis2-metric-hierarchy

wmo_wis2_gb_messages_no_metadata_total, wmo_wis2_gb_messages_invalid_total, wmo_wis2_gb_messages_published_total, wmo_wis2_gb_messages_received_total, wmo_wis2_gb_connected_flag, wmo_wis2_gb_last_message_timestamp_seconds

(Kai) GM is generating the alerts automatically?

(David) how invalid topics are handled? Will they be picked up and monitored?

  • (Rémy)

Check the current available metrics provided by GB (France), GC (Germany)



How often should GM scrape the metrics?

labels are part of the definition, centre-id, report by


Discuss the mechanism of the GM to send out alert when the metrics reach the threshold

(Rémy) Monitoring architecture

Q1: to continue using the MQTT for notification message for alerts?

Answer: Agreed

Q2: Topic Hierarchy for alerts


Q2.1 who raised the alerts?

A>WIS2 Nodes, GS operators, GM

Q2.2 privacy access control for Monitor


 Action items

Next meeting


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