2024-08-05-Global Services Test

2024-08-05-Global Services Test


  • Rémy GIRAUD (SC-IMT Chair)

  • Jeremy TANDY (SC-IMT Co-Vice-Chair)

  • Lei XUE (SC-IMT Co-Vice-Chair)

  • Yoritsugi YUGE (JMA)

  • Masato FUJIMOTO (JMA)

  • Hyunmin Eom(KMA)

  • Xinqiang HAN (CMA)

  • Chemseddine El Garai (DGM)

  • Xinqiang HAN (CMA)

  • Wenjing GU (CMA)

  • Schremmer Antje (DWD)

  • José Mauro DE REZENDE (INMET)

  • Majed(NCM)

  • Omar Daftardar (NCM) (NCM)


  • Max Marno (Synoptic)

  • Holly Uhlenhake (NOAA US)

WMO Secretariat

  • Hassan HADDOUCH

  • Anna Milan

  • Maaike Limper

  • Timo Proescholdt


  • Steve Olson (NOAA)

  • Kari SHEETS (NOAA)

  • Thorsten Büßelberg (DWD)

  • Ara Eom (KMA)

Agenda and Notes (DRAFT)

1- Progress on the preparation of the Global Services tests (30 minutes)

2- WIS2 Monitoring: GTS to WIS2 metrics, Incident management system











Progress of the preparation of GSs Tests

GSs operators

1- Global Cache

Max Marno reported on the preparation of the test of the Global Cache. Max reported that the documentation was updated and completed. He also confirmed that the scripts are also developed

In response to a question from Max related to the metrics and monitoring of the tests, Remy reminded the proposal from Antje last meeting to have Prometheus inside the wis2dev environment.

Remy highlighted the need to have a diagram for the test process for the GC to avoid any confusion

Max presented the diagram for the GC tests GC.PNG

Remy also informed that the tools are ready, the documentation was published on Github, what is messing is a sort of a glue between these tools. He mentinned that Antje is working on that.

Remy confirmed also that for the fake data, the tools proposed by Remy will be used. He mentioned also that David Podeur is working on that and it will be ready by this week. and everything is expected to be gluing by this week.

In response of a question from Jeremy, Max confirmed that no gap related to the GC tests.

2- Global Broker

Remy reported that the documentation was updated and completed. The tools are developed and informed that David Podeur is working on the environment test and confirmed that everything will be ready by this week. the next step is to have a hall script for the tests.

3- GDC

Tom reported that a draft text for the guide has been developed and the testes documentation for the GDC has been updated, He highlighted the need to discuss with Remy and Max on the tests to be aligned with all the GSs tests.

In response to a question from Jeremy related to metadata tests, Tom mentioned that Xue Lei is working on some metadata tests.

4- Global Monitor

Xue Lei reported on the progress of the preparation of the GM tests. She mentioned that periodic meeting with Morocco has been organized. She indicated that dashboards for GB are prepared and they will prepare similar for the GC and GDC. She mentioned that she will put them on Ghithub this week. She presented some examples for the GB.


GTS to WIS2 monitoring

Timo + Chems

Timo presented the WIS2 to GTS transition

Hassan informed that we started the discussion about the transition from GTS to WIS2 last year in Washington. He also mentioned that the purpose of this work is monitor the transition from GTS to WIS2 and to help the make the decision related to the suspension of the MSS.

Remy, noticed that this work is more on a Sensor centre not a Global Monitor and asked about how this work is done

Chems presented the GTS2WIS2 monitoring tool

Jeremy thanked Chems for this great work and ask him to continue

Remy noticed that the work done is important, however defining metrics showing by country data in both systems GTS and WIS2 is missing. He asked to develop these metrics and to use prometheus to show the differemce by Country.


Incident management System


Timo reported on the progress related to the Incident management System. He mentioned that the project in test system will be ready this week. the proposed configuration is as follows:

–4 roles: GM, GB & GC, GISC and Member

–GM, GB & GC roles can create incidents

–Member and GISC roles can update/close incidents

–Custom workflows of incidents can be configured

–API can be used to create incidents


  • GSs operators to review and update the tests documents

  • Hassan to contact DWD about the GTS2WIS2 gateway

  • Morocco and China to continue the work on dashboards for GC and GDC

  • Morocco in coordination with the Secretariat formalize the metrics for the transition from GTS to WIS2, for a discussion at one of the next meeting

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