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3.4 The recommendation to Members is therefore to adopt the following national practice regarding the exchange of Earth system data
(e) Members are encouraged to broaden the provision of their data with a minimum of conditions beyond the minimum set of data listed in Annex 1 to the present resolution.
Action 2: GTS to WIS2 Gateway: Secretariat to confirm with DWD and JMA if they are providing these gateways
DWD is doing it using Topic Hierarchy: cache/a/wis2/xxg/gts_to_wis2_dwd/TTAAii
Action 3:WIS2 to GTS Gateway: Secretariat to check if TTAAii is enough or we need CCCC
CCCC is needed for mapping from after consultation with GTS experts in BoM, JMA, DWD and Morocco Météo.
The topic_hierarchy will only be used to identify a channel for pub/sub. When a dataset is applicable under multiple domains, the data producer should choose one domain (that is a best fit) and use the WCMP2 metadata record for further descriptions.
(Timo): In general, MQTT best practice is to publish the message with two (multiple) topics.
(Rémy): Please provide supporting evidence of this MQTT best practice.
(Kai) DWD metrics include number of observations received in DWD and WIS2 network per station and per country. There is a need to develop metrics: names of metrics and their purpose.
(Enrico) High-level KPIs, not too technical, for communication to EC/Cg is needed to get started. For example, the number of Members disseminating data in GTS but not WIS2; the number of Members migrating to WIS2
Action: (Enrico) to provide a drafted version of high-level KPIs to be submitted to INFCOM-3
8. GTS to WIS2 gateway
DWD: all data received in GTS are published the Global cache using the topic cache/a/wis2/xxg/gts_to_wis2_dwd/TTAAii
New data is only available in WIS2
Decision: DWD to run GTS to WIS2 Gateway during transition
Action: (Kenji) to check internally the possibility of providing the GTS to WIS2 Gateway by JMA
"We need to figure this out for the pilot project"