2021-11-19 ET-W2AT Meeting

2021-11-19 ET-W2AT Meeting


Nov 19, 2021 12:00-14:00 UTC



  • @Rémy Giraud

  • @Jeremy Tandy (Unlicensed)

  • @Pablo Loyber (Unlicensed)

  • @Tom Kralidis (Unlicensed)

  • @Ken Tsunoda (Unlicensed)

  • @Li Xiang (Unlicensed)

  • @Dana Ostrenga (Unlicensed)

  • @peter.silva (Unlicensed)

  • @Henning Weber (Unlicensed)

  • @thorsten.buesselberg (Unlicensed)

  • @Baudouin Raoult (Unlicensed)

  • @sabai.fatima (Unlicensed)

WMO Secretariat

  • Dr Enrico FUCILE

  • Mr Hassan Haddouch

  • Mr David Berry

  • Ms Anna MILAN

  • Ms Xiaoxia Chen



Discussion topics











Rémy Giraud

Rémy, the architecture was already discussed in the last meeting, today discussion will focus on transition.



o   Tom informed the team that the catalogue machinery and the search interface will be different in WIS2, new type of catalogues will be deployed. He highlighted the need of transition and migration tools for discovery metadata. Need of transition to move from WCMP 1.3 to WCMP2.0. and to expect the granularity of metadata. He expressed the need for analysis of the content of catalogue to see how to ensure migration

o   Enrico, limited number of catalogues lets easy to ensure the translation to the WIS2 catalogue, it’s useful to have it in automate way.

o   Rémy, need to engage with Regional Association, and involve National Centers (NCs) to rewrite metadata in accurate formats.

o   Baudouin. One of the reasons of the failure of WIS1 was the poor quality of metadata. Metadata was made in WIS1 to build the catalogue for human beings and not for computers. We should stop to have one metadata set for each message on GTS.

o   Tom, the translation will be done by NCs, and GISCs will be involved to help migration.

o   Peter, if we can get the work that we are doing in GTS to WIS to mapping to be bidirectional, the connectivity to GTS steals possible even if the GTS is dropped. He required that the new format of metadata to have legacy supporting the provision of the bulletin headers. This approach is easy transition to organize.

o   Hassan, most of metadata in the current catalogue concerns GTS metadata. The conception of metadata was the reason of failure of WIS1. A link to OSCAR will be valuable to WIS2 catalogue.

o   Enrico, need to analysis what we have in the catalogue and to think how to translate it in automatic way and to see how to have the link between WIS catalogue and GTS heathers as proposed by Peter.

o   Rémy, we have identified one or two ideas for potential transition, need for a volunteer to develop these ideas to be discussed in the next meeting. Enrico and Peter: will prepare a draft for the next meeting. Tom, Jeremy and Baudoin will prepare a paper about metadata.

o   Rémy asked the team to comment these papers before the next meeting. The objective is to have a conclusion on this topic of transition and metadata.

o   Enrico, informed the team that they can create new pages to develop a new proposal if needed.

o   Rémy, automatic translation from the current metadata to WIS2 catalogue is not the right strategy

o   Tom, translation will concern the structure but not the content.

o   Enrico, the need of involving NCs to modify WIS2 catalogue is an important part, we need to write a paper about it and discuss it in the next meeting.

o   Rémy, need to inform RAs through the engagement aspect about the changes as soon as possible. Start to communicate also to GISCs, DCPCs and NCs.


GTS part:


  • Rémy envisaged a short period transition for 3 to 5 years. The target is to start migration by Sept. 1st, 2023 or later depending on the date of congress. The objective is to build a communication system efficient to replace the GTS.

  • To reduce the costs for NMHSs He proposed:

o   To avoid the need for dual stack (GTS and WIS2) for as many sites as possible

o   To reduce the number of RTHs between now and the migration date. The idea consists to identify “super RTH” In each RA, willing to run GTS services until the end of the migration, so that others can cease GTS operation rapidly and act as WIS2 focal sites

o   Allow identified GISCs to stop the technical WIS1 role (cache and metadata catalogue) in favor of “WIS2 Champion” role (training, communication, shared service,…)

o   Promote the use of “WIS2 in a box”

  • Henning, before reducing the number of RTH, need to think about the stability of the system before migration to WIS2.

  • Thorsten need to well communicate to success migration and take into account political issue.

  •   Hassan, Set up any-to-any network within WIS2 rather than point-to-point as it’s the case of GTS in parallel to GTS, is a best way for the transition phase.

  •   Rémy, the plan is to present the migration strategy to INFCOM next year, develop a marketing package by 2022 and start marketing in 2023.

  • Enrico need a small group to prepare a paper for the transition.

  •   Rémy, the next meeting will be dedicated to metadata and then we prepare transition paper.

  •    Rémy, asked the team to add their comments and suggestions to the meeting confluence page.


WIS2 champions:


  •   Monitoring WIS2 operations and develop KPI to monitor the GTS migration to WIS2: need of global and complete monitoring and a dedicated portal with all the KPIs for monitoring the system and the migration.

o   Enrico, informed the team about the funding that can be provided by secretariat to develop the monitoring tool

o   Rémy, possibility to merge the monitoring and WDQMS teams and develop a global monitoring

  • Global open broker:  allow any interested NC to publish/subscribe using these brokers

o   Enrico, need to take into account the restriction to data with limitation access

o   Rémy, the messages will include information about the access limitation

o   Peter, proposed to replace broker by webserver to deal with the limitation access or to have broker at NCs headquarter for national use.

·         Training/communication/onboarding: Identify members within each RA acting as WIS2 Champion (GISC and others)

  •   “WIS2 success story” portal (aka visual catalog)

o   Similar to GDPFS portal, follow WIS2 implementation and provide a visual communisation tool to show WIS2 progress.

  •    Enrico, presented the GDPFS portal project. He informed that it aims to provide access to NWP products produced by GDPFS centers in exchange of their data.

  •   Rémy, need to be creative when developing communication material for WIS2. Materials should be convivial and attractive. We build nice things, but we don’t know how to sale it.

  •    Enrico, informed the team that we intend to have a face to face meeting the second week of February.

Action items

  Enrico and Peter: prepare a paper on GTS transition for the next meeting
Tom, Jeremy and Baudouin: prepare a paper about metadata.
ALL: comment these papers or develop new proposal before the next meeting.
Inform RAs through the engagement aspect about the changes as soon as possible.
Start to communicate also to GISCs, DCPCs and NCs.
Hassan: invitation for next meeting


Next meeting December 17, 2021, 2pm Geneva time