2021-04-16 Meeting notes

2021-04-16 Meeting notes


Apr 16, 2021


  • @Enrico Fucile

  • @Timo Proescholdt

  • Rodrick Walusa (Malawi)

  • Amos Mtonya (Malawi)

  • Hussein Milanzi (Malawi)

  • Rob Costello (Amazon)

  • Philippe Jegou (Amazon)

  • Johan Visagie (Campbell)

  • Mauritz de Beer (Campbell)


  • decide cloud architecture

  • make arrangements for collaborative work

Discussion topics











do we have other applications using the current database?

ClimSoft using data from stations

we will be in parallel for a while until we decide how to arrange.

Migration can be planned for the future when cloud solution is stable.

To be addressed at later stage

No change in the current on-premises installation. Data will go in the same way. Another line of data will be activated on the cloud service.

No need of ftp server as the ftp client is enough

We aim to have the cloud instance to become operational and act as a backup of the on-premises.


Action items

@Enrico Fucile to make arrangement to address ClimSoft working with cloud solution
@Timo Proescholdt to setup a WMO account and discuss with Philippe how to have credits
@Timo Proescholdt to work with Mauritz to arrange for Campbell to access E2 instance


  1. Malawi agrees to have the data from the stations sent to the E2 instance and run the service in parallel to the on-premises installation.
  2. Decided to use for the moment a single server option. The second option of having the database service external is a clear improvement that comes with the same costs of the single server because there is saving on the SQLServer license, but require Campbell to migrate to MySQL. This is feasible and it will be considered as the next step.

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