2021-07-15 Meeting notes

2021-07-15 Meeting notes


Jul 15, 2021


  • Amos Mtonya

  • Charles Vanya

  • Noel Banda

  • Keenness Mang’anda

  • Hussein Milanzi

  • Symon Chipeta

  • Francis

  • Emmanuel

  • Binwell Dzama

  • Yobu

  • more participants sharing the connection with others

WMO Secretariat

  • Enrico Fucile

  • Timo Proescholdt

  • Xiaoxia Chen


Malawi AWS first introduction of the Amazon cloud environment

Discussion topics









Brief self-introduction


@Enrico Fucile


  • This is the first training. There will be more training sessions in future.


@Timo Proescholdt

Malawi Cloud Project

  • High-level architecture

    • AWS (weather stations) to EC2 Windows Server (Data logger+MS SQL server) to S3 bucket (ECMWF&GISC Offenbach); EC2 server to GISC Pretoria by FTP; MQP notification be sent to WMO MQP broker

    • WMO set the server and the account on the Amazon Cloud

  • How to access the Windows server

    • Use Windows RDP (remote desktop)

    • Host/User (DCCMS-admin)/Passwd

    • Only from Malawi HQ IP-range

    • Who has the access: DCCMS/WMO/Campbell



  • Charles

    • What is the dataflow?

    • Timo:

      • data in the cloud, the flow is the same as what it is now

    • Enrico:

      • forecasting officers: you can access the data by 3 ways. 1) SQL server 2) S3 bucket 3) GTS (GISC Pretoria). Suggestion: go to the SQL server directly to get the data.

  • Hussein

    • Why is data coming from ECMWF and GISC Offenbach.

    • Enrico:

      • S3 bucket is a new way to exchange the data. We are going to test with some NWP centers including ECMWF and DWD to get data from there. Two NWP centers to get the data from S3 bucket. Malawi is giving the data to NWP centers, and you will the product from NWP centers. They can only get the data, just like the FTP server.

      • Few data available now. Campbell is trying to produce BUFR data now. Simple presentation currently.

  • Amos

    • Access by ECMWF and Offenbach, sharing the data with NWP centers, explain the arrangement

    • Enrico:

      • Purpose of Project is to exchange data on GTS and WIS 2.0

      • Malawi is going to provide the data to NWP centers. One way is to put them on the GTS, all centers will get the data. Other is to put data on the S3 bucket, a new way, is experimental stage. Only ECMWF and DWD can access the data.

      • New data will be produced in the next few weeks.

      • Data to the GTS and WIS 2.0 channel.

      • Malawi has the direct access to the system.

      • We are moving out of the GTS, going to stop GTS in future.

      • We are going to exchange data in a new way. The Malawi project is focusing on the WIS 2.0 technology.

      • Password will be sent to you later by email to try to connect to the system.

  • Enrico

    • Questionnaire on the programming language and data formats will be conducted afterwards

    • Anyone in Malawi who can write a simple programs to access the data

    • Secretariat to run the specific session for programmers to get the data from SQL server

    • Malawi to give the Secretariat a list of programmers for us to run a training session

Action items

@Timo Proescholdt will send Password to Rodrick to connect to the system
@Enrico Fucile to give the training course on BUFR for Malawi colleagues
@Enrico Fucile and Amos to discuss how to organize the training
@Timo Proescholdt to share the slides with the Malawi colleagues


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