2021-03-05 Meeting notes

2021-03-05 Meeting notes


Mar 5, 2021


Department of Climate Change & Meteorological Services, Malawi

  • Jolamu NKHOKWE, Director

  • Rodrick WALUSA, Deputy Director

  • Amos MTONYA, Head of Communications

  • Hussein Milanzi,

  • Paulo



  • Peiliang SHI

  • Enrico FUCILE


  • Ran ZHANG


  • Assess the status of the resolution of the problems with surface data exchange on GTS

  • Discuss the AWS data and how they can be sent on GTS

Discussion topics







fixes on the GTS header and transmission


  • resolution of the problem with ZCZC OOO

  • How you encode and send.

    • workstation for GTS. Type messages manually. Get synop from station as whatsapp (SYNOP) or via form (paper written) or email.

    • messages from station are collected at NMC. A system is (netsys)

    • copy and paste from whatsapp to netsys

    • messages are copied to netsys, not copied to something else.

  • resolution of problem with SMMW51 not routed to GTS. SMMW40. Contacted netsys and they say that they cannot change to 40 from 51. We to resolve this with Christa. 40 is for main station for other stations is 51.

  • which stations are going in 40 and 51?

    • SMMW40 67489 67586 67693

    • SMMW51 67421 67423 67493 67485 67584 67585 67591 67597 67689 67796 67699 67791 67690 67424

  • how much configuration work in netsys? METAR,speci, synop. Responsibility for message encoding and date and time. Not configuration to be done by operators.

  • timeliness and number of reports per day.

    • Number of reports per day are very few. Why? They don’t go on GTS, but they are received in the NMC. Netsys is doing format checking before sending the message. To be assessed how the errors are managed.

    • Many stations are providing only two reports while they are supposed to provide four. Amos will provide list of stations and expected messages per day

    • Rodrick checked with netsys and there are some problems. Work in progress to resolve the problems. Involving netsys to solve the problem.

    • Amos is asking if the ICAO indicator can be a problem in the GTS transmission. To be checked with Pretoria (Christa)

AWS data


  • AWS? Under control of Rodrick department. Data are going into a database management system. Encoding system is producing synop and after BUFR. Campbell is providing encoding. Rodrick, to put Enrico in contact with Campbell.


Action items

Amos to send a table with the number of reports per station received at NMC
Amos to put Enrico in contact with Netsys
Rodrick to put Enrico in Contact with Campbell for the BUFR encoding
Enrico to organize a meeting with Campbell and Malawi colleagues
Follow up with Rodrick on the issue of Netsys not sending the messages


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