2022-07-28 Meeting notes

2022-07-28 Meeting notes


Jul 28, 2022 08:00 - 09:00 UTC



  • Mrs. Lucy Mtilatila, Director

  • Mr. Amos D MTONYA, Head of Communications

  • Charles Vanya



  • Ioannis Mallas

WMO Secretariat

  • Enrico Fucile

  • Hassan Haddouch

  • Xiaoxia Chen


  • Update the progress of the Malawi AWS Demonstration Project

Provisional Agenda

  1. Opening

  2. Review of the previous meeting minutes and actions (3rd June)

  3. Secretariat update

  4. Malawi update

  5. Discussion

  6. AoB

Discussion topics







1 Opening


Welcomes all participants

2 Secretariat update



  • Enrico made a brief update:

    • INFCOM-II will be held from 24 to 28 October 2022. Malawi project will be presented in the INFCOM-II.

    • SOFF in operation now.

  • Discussion

  • Xiaoxia: presented the update of the Malawi data exchange in the past two months

    • 24 stations out of 44 Campbell AWSs have been modified to 1h (reporting interval in OSCAR) on 22 July, so from WDQMS, no more pink dots (more than 100%)

    • The number of stations sending data dropped to 13 stations, with 2 stations showing in green dots (availability more than 80%)

    • Misuku station is sending data but not presented in WDQMS, which requires ECMWF colleague to investigate it

    • Detailed information can be checked in the Presentation


4 Malawi update




  • Amos

    • Malawi is monitoring the data, recent drop is observed, it is due to the SIM card, connection problem. All 6 stations currently using JustWorks network are offline. Battery issue is recognized. Battery replacement activity is delayed due to materials issue. We are now waiting of the battery clearing process.

  • Lucy

    • We are facing a lot of challenges, such as financial issue.

5 Discussion


  • Campbell update

    • Johan: Data monitoring is possible. We will send a team to Malawi on another project converting stations. 44 AWSs will be all set up to connect to WMO FTP sever. One the battery is replaced, it will last for 3 to 4 years.

  • The number of stations expected to be seen on WDQMS

    • Enrico: an average of 20 stations , and most of them in green. ECMWF colleagues are asked to do impact studies for more observation data in Malawi, but at least 20 green stations to see the improvement.

    • Hassan: INFCOM presentation and demonstration is key phase of WIS 2.0 implementation. It would be good to fix the issues in August and September.

  • Focus on 44 AWSs

    • Charles Vanya: from development team side, we will upgrade the station networks. We will try to meet the anticipation by end of September. There will be another project to be equipped with Campbell Scientific LoggerNet. At that time, there will be more data.

    • Enrico: We need to focus on the 44 AWSs and then consider to extend to other project for other stations. The bigger number of stations, the increasing need of technicians to go for maintenance.

    • Lucy: to put the 44 AWSs in the first place. Some challenges: we are able to identify the problems but with financial issues. We will try our best to replace the battery. We will try to figure out the reason why these stations stop sending data recently.

    • Enrico: we could help from SOFF and our program.

6 AoB


The participants agree to meet in early September.

Action items

Enrico: to share with Malawi colleagues the implementation plan of climate data to WIS2box program
Ioannis: to help fix the Misuku station problem
Malawi colleagues: to update the progress in Malawi (battery replacement, recent stations drop issues)
Xiaoxia: to set up a meeting in early September


  1. Token is still needed to access the Malawi wis2box portal

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