2022-04-22 Meeting notes

2022-04-22 Meeting notes


Apr 22, 2022 08:00 - 09:00 UTC



  • Mr. Amos D MTONYA, Department of Climate Change & Meteorological Services, Malawi

  • Francis Chithila


  • Mauritz de Beer

WMO Secretariat

  • Enrico Fucile

  • Hassan Haddouch

  • Xiaoxia Chen


  • Update the progress of the Malawi AWS Demonstrator Project

Discussion topics









  • Xiaoxia: an update regarding the Malawi AWS data sending to WMO FTP server

Malawi AWS data to WMO SFTP Server, WIS2BOX, WDQMS

  • Amos: logistic delay from Malawi side due to the government funding

  • Francis: two major prolbems affecting the consistency of the stations, 1) battery, replacement will help; 2) service provider, fluctuation happens, 10 SIM cards as a starter pack and will have more later.



  • Enrico: SIM cards intalled, a list of the stations with SIM cards,

Actions: to send an email to Xiaoxia the list with new SIM cards

Actions: to send an update for stations wtih battery replacement.

  • Enrico: June 22nd, a workshop will be held, inviting the industry to join. Malawi project will be presented to show as a user case focusing on the WIS2 in a box. Campbell will be invited too. Another workshop in September with PRs and members of technical commissions to introduce the WIS2 implementation. Malawi project will be presented too. Technical specification will be submited to INFCOM-2 and what we did in the past and what will be done in future will also be presented.

  • Hassan: it would be valuable if more stations are connected.\

  • Question> (Enrico) HOw many stations are configured to send data to WMO FTP server

Answer> (Mauritz) 20 are configured because they are online.

(Francis) 2 or 3 samples of SIM cards will work.

  • Enrico: SOFF to fund facility to run a project in Malawi. After June, we will discuss about the Malawi with SOFF about how to arrange the fund. The project will be over till end of May.

Action items

Amos & Francis: to send an email to Xiaoxia about the list of stations with SIM cards replacement and battery replacement
Mauritz: to send an update on the stations configured to send data to WMO FTP server.
Hassan & Xiaoxia: to arrange a meeting with PR of Zambia to discuss the stations using MQTT sending data to WMO


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