2022-04-29 WMO Secretariat & GISC Beijing Meeting notes

2022-04-29 WMO Secretariat & GISC Beijing Meeting notes


Apr 29, 2022 07:00-08:00UTC


GISC Beijing

  • Ms. Feng GAO, Director of System Engineering Department, NMIC; ET-IM member; ET-OM member

  • Mr. Peng WANG, ET-W2AT member

  • Mr. Xinqiang HAN, ET-Metadata member, TT-GISC member

  • Ms. Qing DAI, Lead of Telecommunication Unit

  • Ms. Lei XUE, TT-TDCF member

  • Mr. Peiwen JIN

WMO Secretariat

  • Mr. Peiliang SHI, Director of WIS Branch, Infrastructure Department

  • Mr. Enrico FUCILE, Head of Data and Information Management, WIS Branch

  • Mr. Hassan HADDOUCH, WIS2.0 Manager

  • Ms. Xiaoxia CHEN, WIS Operations, and Standards


To discuss with GISC Beijing the roles it will play in the WIS2.0 architecture

 Discussion topics







1.Round table introduction


  • Enrico welcomes all the participants. This is a meeting to understand the willingess of GISC Beijng for its role in WIS2 Global Services. It is a non-binding agreement/decision.

  • All participants make a brief introduction.

2. WIS2 Architecture



3. Discussion


  • Enrico: In WIS2 architecture, GISCs are not obliged to run all Global Services (Global Cache/Global Broker/Global Discovery Catalogue/Global Monitoring). So far, DWD offered to run Global Cache; Met France & Met Office: Global Broker; Canada: Catalogue.

  • Xinqiang: We have some experience in real time data transmission and rabbitMQ. We are interested in running Global Broker and Global Cache.

  • Enrico: Specification for Broker/Cache is not yet ready. Discussion on Topic Structure is still ongoing. More meetings between GISCs willing to run Broker/Cache will be held, such as the meeting between GISC Beijng and GISC Offenbach will be coordinated to discuss the technical issues.

  • Qing DAI: we are willing to run the Global Broker and Global Cache.

  • Peng WANG:

    • Is it possible to run both Cache and Broker?

      • (Enrico) YES, building broker and cache is not the difficult part, the most challenging part is that brokers/caches to talk to each other.

    • Is WIS2 in a box is requried?

      • (Enrico) No, it is a reference implementation.

    • Who will implement as the global sensor center?

      • (Enrico) Sensor center is not in the wis2 in a box, it is not a function of Cache, it can be built anywhere. It is used for data analysis from the users' point of view, such as how much data they receive.

    • How about the latency in AoR?

      • (Enrico) NC can be connected to several Global Caches, uploading data to different Global Caches. Global Caches need to synchronize by themselves.

    • How about synchronization?

      • (Enrico) Technical details on Cache synchronization needs to be discussed among GISCs willing to play such a role.

    • Links between GC and NC, for some members, internet connection is a challenge

      • (Enrico) One of the WIS2.0 principle is to use Internet as much possible, not to use dedicated line

  • Qing DAI: How do we help AoR transite from GTS to WIS2.0, for thoses NCs with poor Internet access, it could be very difficult to migrate and connect to WIS2.0

  • Peiliang: I am very pleased to learn that GISC Beijing to take the role of Global Broker and Global Cache. GISC Beijing has been doing a good job. It it important to figure out the future role that GISC Beijing will play. We will also seek CMA authority for support.

 Action items

Secretariat will call for meetings between GISCs which are willing to run the same service. (Coordination between GISC Beijing and GISC Offenbach)


  1. GISC Beijing is willing to run Global Cache and Global Broker.

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