

From now and then, the Secretariat receives the request of adding new CCCC. CCCC list is an Annex of Weather Reporting (WMO-No. 9), Volume C1 – Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins, which retired many years ago. For example, in May 2022, requests from Denmark and DWD for new CCCC for Satellite data. (EKRS - ROM-SAF Spire
(EK: Denmark, R: ROM-SAF, S: Spire), And EUM* for EUMETSAT *** DB Site)


It turns out that the EKRS has already been taken. http://weather.rap.ucar.edu/surface/stations.txt

Lists need to be checked: (1) https://metar-taf.com/ and (2)http://weather.rap.ucar.edu/surface/stations.txt (the list is not up-to-date)

But from the latest version of CCCC list from WMO Secretariat, as indicated in Manual on the GTS(WMO-No.386)CCCC: International four-letter location indicator of the station or centre originating or compiling the bulletin, as agreed internationally, and published in Weather Reporting (WMO-No. 9), Volume C1 – Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins.

And the previous/latest WMO CCCC list didn't integrate the CCCC for Airports. Our TT-Protocols team is also under discussion about the authoritative source of CCCC list.




Reply from Denmark:

And also think it will be a good idea to get the right CCCC-lists updated with the right center origin or compilation.


We at DMI are committed to report the list for Denmark, Faroe Islands and for Greenland.

Hope to get your help to report the right CCCC-list.


Is it all the Indicator and Location that DMI make Metar (Aerodrome reports) for?

Or all airports and Location?


At the moment we are waiting for EUMESAT to replay on the Spire questions, maybe it will be the T1T2A1A2ii part of the header that will be changed instead of CCCC. But this gives us a good reason to clean up the lists.


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