ET-AC/ET-WTR RWC Argentina Audit/Evaluation Process /2023-11-28-meeting

ET-AC/ET-WTR RWC Argentina Audit/Evaluation Process /2023-11-28-meeting


Nov 28, 202314:00 - 15:00 UTC


  • Gerold FLETZER (ET-AC, Chair)

  • Eugene BURGER (ET-AC, Co-Chair)

  • Tanja KLEINERT, (ET-WTR, Chair)

  • Samantha LINNERTS, (ET-WTR, Vice-Chair)

  • Martina (RWC Argentina)

  • Secretariat

    • Jitsuko HASEGAWA

    • Luis Filipe NUNES

    • Xiaoxia CHEN

    • Rabia MERROUCHI

 Discussion topics









Status updated by Gerold

  • Audit programme and Self Assessment questionnaire were sent out to RWC Argentina (the deadline for submission is 30 November 2023).

  • Remote Audit Risk Assessment

    • Visibility of auditors and auditees during the audit

    • in case of connectivity problems during the audit

    • connectivity test before the audit

    • audit evidence

    • screenshots allowed by auditor


  • (Martina)

    • Checks whether the auditor side should have the camera (YES, by Gerold)

    • Audit evidence: She will upload it to the WMO Shared File Cloud



Next steps

  • Formal request, via the SG, from a centre’s PR with WMO to undertake the audit of that centre. Such a request will be accompanied by all the relevant contact point information to allow the team to liaise with the centre management and experts

    • Decision: The teams clarified that an email notification from the WMO Secretariat would suffice, following the Guide to WIGOS.

(Luis) Guide to WIGOS, WMO No. 1165, Annex 1. “Process for the designation, assessment and reconfirmation of Regional WMO Integrated Global Observing System Centres”, paragraph 6.2 Initiation of the evaluation of an RWC in pilot mode will be communicated by the WMO Secretariat to the PR(s) of Member(s) hosting the RWC in pilot mode, with a copy to the president of the RA and the president of INFCOM.

  • (Tanja) We need PR and Martina in communication channel

  • To receive and analyse Self Assessment Questionnaires.

  • to send out audit notification for test audit

  • to send out audit notification for official audit

    • Observer role in test audit

      • Decisions:

        • Observers from RWC Argentina is allowed for the test audit.

        • Observers from the Secretariat could be added to the list upon request.

        • Observers have the right to listen but not intervene. But for test audit, observers can intervene internally with the audit team.

    • Connectivity test

      • (Xiaoxia) proposed to conduct it one week before

      • Team agrees to have a two-step system test: 1 week before audit and on 18th December 2023, 12 UTC (2 separate locations/rooms at WMO Secretariat)

        • Action: Secretariat to book another meeting room

  • CVs necessary

    • RWC Argentina will be receiving the CVs of the audit team.

  • Prepare audit introduction

    • (Gerold) it is a 15-30 minutes session.

    • (Martina) proposes PR and high-level colleagues to join the opening/closing

  • Preparation for INFCOM-3

  • Roles in the audit: lead auditor, SME, observer

  • Question: Using evidence from December in the January audit?

    • Decision: not to use it due to potential changes

  • Whom are we going to ask when during test audit/audit?



Agenda of Test Audit in Geneva

  • Action: Martina to check the schedule and provide feedback on RWC Argentina’s availability



(Jitsuko)Shared the list of items to be included into INFCOM documents:

  • Assessment of the value added by the overall audit process to the evaluation of the RWCs.

  • Cost for translation 

  • Security risk associated with the online audit and the cost for mitigation measures

  • Availability of ISO-certified auditors: 

  • Evaluation of the practicability of the proposed methodology to all RWCs and other centres.

(Rabia) Brings up a recommendation from the ET-WTR regarding a self-assessment document. There's a suggestion to discuss it during the three-day meeting and include it in the INFCOM meeting.

(Tanja) Mentions considering the Self Assessment Questionnaire as an annex to the Guide to WIGOS, but a final decision is deferred to the December meeting.

 Action items


Martina to check the schedule and provide feedback on RWC Argentina’s availability
Secretariat: to prepare a separate room for test audit
Secretariat: to send the formal request to PR and P/INFCOM, and include Martina in the loop


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