


1.1             Organization of WIS

1.1.1               In keeping with the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I, Part II, 1.2.2, centres operated by WMO Members and their collaborating organizations shall be categorized as one of the three types of WIS centres forming the core infrastructure of WIS:

(a)  Global Information System Centres (GISCs);

(b)  Data Collection or Production Centres (DCPCs);

(c)   National Centres (NCs).

WIS2 introduces the concept of WIS2 node and Global Services forming its architecture: Global Cache, Global Broker, Global Discovery Catalogue, and Global Monitoring

The distinct functions of the three types of centres (GISC, DCPC, NC) depends on the concept of WIS2 node and Global Services, and are referred to in Part III, Functions of WIS.

1.1.2               Each Permanent Representative with WMO shall be responsible for authorizing users of WIS. The right to manage the authorization process may be delegated.

1.2             Compliance with required WIS functions

WIS centres shall comply with required WIS functions. This Manual contains instructions on practices, procedures and specifications for WIS functions. It is supplemented by additional information concerning practices, procedures and specifications for WIS functions that are set out in the Guide to the WMO Information System (WMO-No. 1061).

1.3             Interaction and collaboration among WIS centres

To provide an integrated approach suitable for all WMO Programmes to meet the requirements for routine collection and automated dissemination of observed data and products, as well as data discovery, access, and retrieval services for weather, climate, water, and related data produced by centres and Member countries in the framework of any WMO Programme, WIS2 adopt the concept of shared services. The goal of a shared services model is to allow each WIS center to focus its limited resources on a part activity that support the WMO information system goals. Technology has often been the driver for shared services within a WIS center because it can be expensive to purchase, maintain and train employees to use.

With this concept GISCs shall deploy more effort in coordinating the NCs activities and support them to provide added value services and new products.

1.3.1               GISCS shall collaborate collectively with other GISCs to coordinate WIS2

 1.3.2              GISCS shall Contribute to the shared Global services

1.3.3               GISCS shall support and coordinate NCs/DCPCs in their Area of Responsibility to operation of WIS2

GlSCs shall connect to other GISCs through the WIS Core Network the Global services through the public telecommunication network(i.e Internet), which is based on the Main Telecommunication Network (MTN). Data, products and metadata shall flow to a the Global Cache and Global Data Discovery from a WIS2 node. GISCs shall coordinate the implementation of WIS2 node in their area of responsibility.

 GISC from the DCPCs and NCs that are within its area of responsibility. An Area Meteorological Data Communication Network (AMDCN) shall connect each GISC to DCPCs and NCs in the GISC area of responsibility. An AMDCN may span multiple Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Networks (RMTNs) and parts thereof.

1.4             Implementation of WIS2

WIS2 is designed to allow all WMO programmes to manage, publish and share their data and services.

WIS2 shall be implemented in two parallel parts. One part involves the implementation of WIS2 node and retirement of GTScontinued evolution of the WMO Global Telecommunication System (GTS), which focuses on further improving the delivery of time- and mission-critical data, products and services, including warnings. The other part concerns the implementation of the Global Services( GC,GB,GM and GDC)extends WMO services through discovery, access and retrieval (DAR) facilities, as well as through flexible timely delivery.

WIS 2.0 shall provide a catalogue containing metadata that describes both data and the services provided to access that data in a way that can be indexed by commercial search engines

1.5             Discovery, access and retrieval function[HH3]  WIS2 principles

As required by the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I, Part II, 1.2.5, WIS shall be based on catalogues that contain metadata describing data and products available across WMO, plus metadata describing dissemination and access options. The DAR function of WIS shall be the primary means of realizing the WIS comprehensive catalogue, which is maintained collaboratively by all WIS centres.

1.5.1               WIS2 adopts Web technology and leverages industry best practices and open standards.

1.5.2               WIS2 Uses Uniform Resource Locators (URL) to identify resources (i.e., Web pages, data, metadata, APIs) use

1.5.3               WIS2 Prioritizes the use of public telecommunications networks (i.e., Internet) when publishing digital resources

1.5.4               WIS2 Requires provision of Web service(s) to access or interact with digital resources (e.g., data, information, products) published using WIS 

1.5.5               WIS2 encourages NCs and DCPCs to provide 'data reduction' services via WIS that process 'big data' to create results or products that are small enough to be conveniently downloaded and used by those with minimal technical infrastructure

1.5.6               WIS2 adds open standard messaging protocols that use the publish-subscribe message pattern to the list of data exchange mechanisms approved for use within WIS and GTS

1.5.7               WIS2 requires all services that provide real-time distribution of messages (containing data or notifications about data availability) to cache/store the messages for a minimum of 24-hours and allow users to request cached messages for download

1.5.8               WIS2 adopts direct data-exchange between provider and consumer and phases out the use of routing tables and bulletin headers

1.8.9               WIS2 provides a catalogue containing metadata that describes both data and the service(s) provided to access that data

1.8.10             WIS2 encourages data providers to publish metadata describing their data and Web services in a way that can be indexed by commercial search engines 


1.6             Robustness and reliability of components

Highly robust and reliable WIS2 components are essential to the operation of WIS. Performance indicators shall be evaluated in the designation procedure for WIS centres. This evaluation shall ascertain, among other things, whether or not data content flowing via WIS network technologies fully satisfies requirements for security, authenticity and reliability. Some aspects of service levels are identified in this Manual.

1.7             Collection and dissemination services

1.7.1          WIS shall provide three types of collection and dissemination services:

(a)             Routine collection and dissemination service for time- and operation-critical data and products: this service is based on real-time “push” mechanisms, including multicast and broadcast; it is implemented through dedicated telecommunication means providing a guaranteed quality of service;

(b)             Discovery, access and retrieval service: this service is based on a request/reply “pull” mechanism with relevant data-management functions; it is implemented through the Internet;

(c)             Timely delivery service for data and products: this service is based on a delayed-mode “push” mechanism; it is implemented through a combination of dedicated telecommunication means and public data telecommunication networks, especially the Internet.[HH5] 

1.7.2               WIS shall support the WMO virtual all-hazards network, thus ensuring the fast, secure and reliable exchange of alert and warning information, including International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Recommendation X.1303 (Common Alerting Protocol).

Note:    The virtual all-hazards network encompasses all the technical and operational arrangements necessary for the timely handling and delivery of alert and warning information involving WMO.

1.7.3               The goal of the WMO Integrated Global Data Dissemination Service (IGDDS) is to ensure the definition and operational implementation of efficient circulation of space-based observation data and products meeting the needs of WMO programmes in the context of WIS. IGDDS shall remain an important component of WIS, mainly for the exchange and dissemination of data and products generated by space-based observing systems.[HH6] 

1.8             Competencies of personnel

As recommended by the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I, Part V: Qualifications and competencies of personnel involved in the provision of meteorological (weather and climate) and hydrological services, centres should ensure that they have access to an adequate number of people who among them have the required levels of the WIS competencies that are defined in that volume (see also Appendix E to this Manual).

Note:    Guidance on developing these competencies is available in Guide to the WMO Information System (WMO-No. 1061).



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