


2.1.1               The establishment and operation of WIS depend on WMO Member organizations and those more broadly related to it, such as the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the International Council for Science (ICSU), taking on the functional roles of GISCs, DCPCs and NCs. Procedures for designating a WIS centre rely on the agreed WIS functional architecture and the WIS compliance specifications.

2.1.2               As required by the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I, Part II, 1.2.3, Congress and the Executive Council shall consider the designation of GISCs and DCPCs based on recommendations of the Infrastructure Commission for Basic Systems (CBSINFCOM). The development of INFCOMCBS recommendations includes consultation and coordination with the relevant technical commissions that are responsible for the WMO and related international programmes concerned, as well as with the regional associations, as appropriate.

Note:    The relevant groups established by the Executive Council have a role in the GISC and DCPC designation process, in accordance with their mandate.

2.2             Procedure for designating a GISC

2.2.1          Procedure

The procedure for the designation of a GISC shall consist of four steps:

(1)  Statement of WIS requirements;

(2)  Service offer by a Member for a potential GISC;

(3)  Demonstration of GISC capabilities;

(4)  Designation of a GISC.

2.2.2          Statement of WIS requirements

The WMO technical commissions and other bodies representing the participating programmes, including regional bodies, shall state their requirements for WIS services and review them periodically. The list of all relevant requirements shall be compiled and regularly reviewed by INFCOMCBS, and reported to the Executive Council.

2.2.3          Service offer by a Member for a potential GISC            A WMO Member can apply for a centre to be designated as one of the GISCs forming the core infrastructure of WIS. The service offer by the Member shall include:

(a)  A statement of compliance with the required WIS2 functions;

(b)  A proposal regarding the area of responsibility for WIS services;

(c)   A formal commitment by the Permanent Representative of the Member that such services shall be provided on a routine basis and sustained over time.            The service offer shall be addressed to WMO. INFCOMCBS, in consultation with the regional association(s) concerned, shall analyse the proposed service offer with regard to WIS requirements and compliance with GISC functions and specifications and shall formulate a recommendation.

2.2.4          Demonstration of GISC capabilities            The Member offering a GISC shall demonstrate to CBS the capabilities of the proposed centre to provide WIS services of the requisite reliability and quality to accredited users. Compliance shall be demonstrated for:

(a)collaborate collectively with other GISCs to coordinate WIS2

 (b) Contribute to shared Global services

(b)  support and coordinate NCs/DCPCs in its Area of Responsibility to operation of WIS2

Real-time functions of data and product collection and dissemination;

(b)  Non-real-time services for requests;

(c)   Storage functions for the required set of data and products and relevant up-to-date metadata catalogues;

(d)  Coordination functions with other GISCs and the planning of mutual [HH1] back-up services;

(e)  Adherence to WIS standards and relevant data-exchange policies and access rights.            A formal commitment to implement the GISC and a time schedule for providing GISC services in accordance with the offer shall be given by the Permanent Representative of the Member proposing to operate the candidate GISC.            Upon the demonstration of the capabilities of the candidate GISC, CBS shall submit its recommendation on the GISC designation to Congress or the Executive Council.

2.2.5          Designated GISCs

The list of GISCs as approved by Congress or the Executive Council is included in Appendix B of this Manual.

2.3             Procedure for designating a DCPC

2.3.1          Background

WMO has determined that all WMO and related international programmes shall be served by WIS. Each established centre shall therefore implement required WIS functions. INFCOMCBS shall recommend how these centres are categorized as DCPCs within WIS.

2.3.2          Procedure

The procedure for designating a DCPC shall consist of three steps:

(1)                   Service offer by a potential DCPC;

(2)                   Demonstration of DCPC capabilities;

(3)                   Designation of a DCPC.

2.3.3          Service offer by a potential DCPC            Required DCPC functions should be fulfilled by a centre that has been established under a WMO or related international programme and/or a regional association. Accordingly, the relevant technical commission and/or regional association shall consider the service offers made by Members for potential DCPCs and shall endorse candidate DCPCs.            The service offer of candidate DCPCs shall then be submitted to INFCOMCBS, which shall analyse the compliance of the candidate with the required DCPC functions and specifications and formulate a recommendation.

2.3.4          Demonstration of DCPC capabilities            The Member offering a DCPC shall be invited to demonstrate to INFCOMCBS the ability of the proposed Centre to provide WIS services in compliance with the DCPC functions and responsibilities, including proper synchronization and communications with its associated GISC. Compliance shall be demonstrated, where applicable, with respect to real-time functions of data and product dissemination, non-real-time services for requests, provision of relevant up-to-date metadata catalogues, coordination and synchronization functions with the associated GISC, adherence to WIS standards and relevant data-exchange policies and access rights.

Note:    An associated GISC is defined by a bilateral agreement between a centre and a GISC for the purposes of uploading or downloading data. A centre can have multiple associated GISCs but shall identify a principal GISC for uploading and managing metadata.            After the candidate DCPC has successfully demonstrated its capabilities, INFCOMCBS shall recommend to Congress or the Executive Council that the candidate be approved.

2.3.5          Designated DCPCs

The list of DCPCs as approved by Congress or the Executive Council is included in Appendix B to this Manual. Each DCPC entry includes the name of the associated GISC.

2.4             Procedure for designating an NC

2.4.1          Background

As required by the Technical Regulations (WMO-No. 49), Volume I, Part II, 1.2.8, each NC shall use  WIS2  to provide data and products that are consistent with its programme responsibilities. These data and products shall be provided with associated metadata in accordance with WIS practices, procedures and specifications. Each NC shall participate as appropriate in the relevant monitoring of the performance of WIS.

2.4.2          Procedure

Each WMO Member shall notify WMO of the current name and location of each of its centres that is to be designated as an NC. The Infrastructure Commission for Basic Systems, with the involvement of relevant regional associations and with the assistance of the WMO Secretariat, shall review the Member designations to ensure support of each NC by a GISC, DCPC or other NC.

2.4.3          Designated NCs

The NCs designated by Members shall be included in the list of WIS centres in Appendix B to this Manual. Each NC entry shall include the name of the associated GISC.

2.5             Rolling review of WIS centres

2.5.1          Background

The ongoing performance of WIS relies on the continued compliance of WIS centres with agreed standards and practices. To this end, GISCs, DCPCs and NCs should have a rolling review of their compliance with WIS standards and practices.

2.5.2          Responsibility

Members are responsible for ensuring that their centres remain compliant with WIS standards and practices. The Infrastructure Commission for Basic Systems will oversee and support the rolling review processes with the aim of confirming a centre’s compliance every eight years for NCs and DCPCs and every four years for GISCs.

2.5.3          Procedure

Guidelines for the rolling review of WIS centres are given in the Guide to the WMO Information System (WMO-No. 1061).


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