INFCOM-2: Recommendation 17

INFCOM-2: Recommendation 17

WMO-No.1306, Page 835 (page 839)

Recommendation 17 (INFCOM-2)
Implementation plan update of the WMO Information System 2.0
Recalling Resolution 22 (EC-73) – WMO Information System 2.0 implementation plan, functional
architecture and demonstration projects, relating to the WMO Information System 2.0 (WIS 2.0)
Implementation Plan,
Recognizing the urgency to implement WIS 2.0 to enable the data sharing required by the
implementation of the WMO Unified Data Policy (Resolution 1 (Cg-Ext(2021)) – WMO Unified
Policy for the International Exchange of Earth System Data),
Taking note of the progress of the WIS 2.0 demonstration projects and the establishment of
WIS 2.0 in a box project as reported in INFCOM-2/INF 6.3.1(1),
Recommends to the Executive Council the adoption of the implementation plan provided in
the annex to the present recommendation.

Annex to Recommendation 17 (INFCOM-2)
Draft Resolution ##/1 (EC-76)

Recalling Resolution 22 (EC-73) - WMO Information System 2.0 implementation plan, functional
architecture and demonstration projects,
(1) That the WMO Information System 2.0 (WIS 2.0) principles have been applied and tested
through the demonstration projects (as reported in INFCOM-2/INF 6.3.1(1)) laying the
foundations of WIS 2.0 Architecture,
(2) That LDCs participated through the WIS 2.0 demonstration projects in the
experimentation and testing of the technologies used in WIS 2.0 with the aim to
demonstrate their suitability for the implementation in their technical environment,
(3) That the WMO disciplines and domains mentioned in the WMO Unified Data Policy
(Resolution 1 (Cg-Ext-2021) - WMO Unified Policy for the International Exchange of Earth
System Data) participated to the demonstration projects phase providing valuable input
for the development of WIS 2.0 technical architecture (see INFCOM-2/ INF 6.3.1(1)),
(4) That the project WIS 2.0 in a box has been established (see INFCOM-2/INF 6.3.1(1)) to
foster the implementation of WIS 2.0 in the LDCs, SIDS and Members able to implement
open-source software in their operations,
(1) The compelling need of implementing a WMO Information System 2.0 able to support the
WMO Unified Data Policy (Resolution 1 Cg-Ext-2021) and the establishment of the Global
Basic Observing Network (Resolution 2 Cg-Ext-2021 - Amendments to the Technical
Regulations related to the establishment of the Global Basic Observing Network),
(2) The urgent need of developing the required technical and regulatory framework for
enabling the international data exchange by all the disciplines and domains as required
by the WMO Unified Data Policy (Resolution 1 Cg-Ext-2021),
(3) The importance of establishing a pilot phase to prepare the operational implementation
of the WIS 2.0 global infrastructure and facilitate the transition of Members’ operations to
WIS 2.0 according to the implementation plan,
Having considered Recommendation 17 (INFCOM-2) – Implementation plan of the WMO
Information System 2.0,
Adopts: the WMO Information System 2.0 implementation plan update in the annex;
Urges Members:
(1) To consider the WIS 2.0 in their future technical and financial plans to ensure its
implementation according to the “WMO Information System 2.0 implementation plan
update” in the annex;
(2) To support WIS 2.0 implementation through secondments and additional funding to the
WIS Trust Fund.
See INFCOM-2/INF. 6.3.1(1) for more information.

Annex to draft Resolution ##/1 (EC-76)

WMO Information System 2.0 Implementation Plan Update

The WIS 2.0 implementation plan was endorsed by the seventy-third session of the Executive
Council with resolution 22. The progress has been regular and aligned with the expectations of
the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM) and the
Standing Committee for Information Management and Technology (SC-IMT).

The "WIS 2.0 demonstration projects workshop" held online in September 2021 showed the
significant projects' progress in applying the WIS2 principles to different contexts and in all
WMO disciplines and domains. The principal outcomes of the workshop are the following:

  1. The demonstration projects have confirmed the soundness of WIS 2.0 principles by
    applying them to various contexts and in all the WMO disciplines and domains. Moreover, they
    have produced precious input to SC-IMT for designing the technical architecture and choosing
    the technologies supported by WIS 2.0 (see final report in INFCOM-2/INF6.3.1(1)).

  2. The workshop recommended the establishment of the "WIS2 in a box" project (see
    INFCOM-2/INF6.3.1(1)) with the objectives:
    (a) To accelerate the implementation of WIS 2.0 by providing a ready-made software
    solution for LDCs, SIDS and those Members willing to adopt open-source solutions
    (b) To provide a reference implementation to test the WIS 2.0 technical specifications and
    support the industry in providing solutions for WMO Members.
    The workshop represented a turning point for developing WIS 2.0 technical architecture and its
    implementation. It provided clear indications for the way forward and suggested that the WIS2
    in a box project could serve as an accelerator to draft the final technical specifications and
    implement WIS 2.0 in many Members.


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