


5.1                   All information to be exchanged through the WIS shall have a WIS discovery metadata record associated with it.

5.2                   WIS discovery metadata records shall be provided by the data custodian to the principal GISC for the centre to which the data custodian is attached. No change should be made to a WIS discovery metadata record without the express approval of the data custodian other than in the case that the principal GISC for the data custodian may alter or withdraw the WIS discovery metadata record if it is found to interfere with the correct operation of WIS, in which case an emergency change should be made and the data custodian shall be requested to provide an appropriately corrected discovery metadata record.

5.3                   WIS discovery metadata records shall conform to the ISO 19115 Standard and, as a minimum, contain the information specified as mandatory in the WMO Core Metadata Profile of that standard as defined in Appendix C to this Manual.

5.4                   CBS shall maintain and develop the WMO Core Metadata Profile.


  1. Resolution 12 (EC-68) – Fast-track procedure for amendments to Manuals and Guides managed by the Commission for Basic Systems, designated Appendix C, Part C2, section 3 (WMO Core Metadata Profile data dictionary) as technical specifications for the purpose of managing amendments.

  1. Guidance on application of the WMO Core Metadata Profile is available in the Guide to the WMO Information System (WMO-No. 1061), Part V.

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