Which WIS2 Architecture?

Which WIS2 Architecture?

WIS 2.0 is a collaborative system of systems using Web architecture and open standards to provide simple, timely and seamless sharing of trusted weather, water and climate data and information through services

Current status:

·       15 GISCS, some of them are offline

·       Most of NCs are connected to GISCs via GTS

·       GTS continuing use of old technologies and not meet needs of users

·       Most of DCPCs are offline

·       Use of WIS platform still very limited and far from what is expected

Discussion raised in the last meeting:




Reduce the number of GISCs

· Easy to monitor

· Optimum networks


· How to choose the GISCs (political more than technical)

· Some NCs can be lost.

· Much connectivity to manage

24 cache on the GISC

Easy discovery and access

High data volume to manage

Combine data with the messages

· Easy access to data

· Quick data distribution

Not practical for high volume data

Area of responsibility

Assistance of NCs


If GISC offline all NCs in AoR will be offline

Download data from producers not from GISC

Easy to manage

Complicated for consumers

Brokers on the Cloud

· Resilience

· Big data

· The cost will be very expensive,

· who will fund it?

· Who will ensure the operations

 Role of GISC


WIS2 principle

Receive information from the GISC area

  1. WIS 2.0: encourages NCs and DCPCs to provide 'data reduction' services via WIS that process 'big data' to create results or products that are small enough to be conveniently downloaded and used by those with minimal technical infrastructure.

Exchange information with other GISCs


Disseminate information to the GISC area

  1. WIS 2.0: will adopt direct data-exchange between provider and consumer

Maintain a 24-hour cache

  1. WIS 2.0: will require all services that provide real-time distribution of messages (containing data or notifications about data availability) to cache/store the messages for a minimum of 24-hours, and allow users to request cached messages for download.

Discovery, access and retrieval

  1. WIS 2.0: uses Uniform Resource Locators (URL) to identify resources (i.e. Web pages, data, metadata, APIs).

10.   WIS 2.0: will provide a catalogue containing metadata that describes both data and the service(s) provided to access that data.


Data network connectivity of a GISC

  1. WIS 2.0: prioritizes use of

public telecommunications networks (i.e. the Internet) when publishing digital resources.

Coordinate telecommunications in a GISC area


Recovery arrangements of a GISC


Performance monitoring of a GISC


 Architecture option


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