ACP RCC workshop
Dates: 22, 23, 24 September 2021
Each day: 09h00-13h00 CEST/07h00-11h00 UTC
WIS contribution
3.1.6 GISC portals: demonstration of how RCCs may access data (GISC Hoffenbach (Kai), GISC Tokyo (Ken)) confirmed
40 minutes to show how data can be accessed from GISCs. The main focus is on static data sets, but there is also interest in real and near-real time data. This is not a presentation. It should be more of a demonstration of how to search and retrieve data, showing the general features of the portals. There is also a request on showing how to access these data
near-real time monthly and daily observations/data: CLIMAT and DAYCLI
>/=30 years time-series data in the daily resolution of GCOS ECVs including temperature, precipitation, SST etc for RCC domains
Full set of GPCLRF products (predictions and hindcasts)
4.1.1 Role of WMO Information System (Enrico) confirmed
15 minutes. WIS role and WIS 2 intro with a focus on climate data (mostly static datasets).
5. Data formats and vocabularies for climate data (Dave)
15 minutes. Status of the data formats with particular focus on DAYCLI (BUFR) and the CF-NetCDF WMO profiles.
5.5 WMO activities on the Network Common Data Format (NetCDF) and WMO extension of the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions. (10 minutes) (draft).
Summary provided to meeting organisers:
Dr Berry reported on activities within the WMO related to representation of data using the netCDF format and it’s use within the WMO context, noting:
netCDF is a format that is very flexible, well supported and widely used within the academic and research environments, particularly in the oceanographic, meteorological and climate communities;
the great flexibility and degrees of freedom offered by the netCDF format are both a benefit but also a weakness from an operational view point;
this issue has long been recognized, with different standards and conventions developed to improve interoperability of data, notably the Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions developed within the climate modelling community;
the CF conventions primarily make recommendations on use of metadata elements and a common naming convention rather than specifying mandatory elements
using the CF conventions as a foundation, the WMO Task-Team on CFNetCDF has developed an extension of the CF conventions for using netCDF in an operational context, extending the conventions by: specifying mandatory rather than optional elements; the introduction of a WMO namespace; and the development of 2 example profiles / templates for sharing data on the WIS2.0;
the WMO-CF extension and templates were approved for experimental use following InfCom, with a WIS2.0 demonstration project now underway sharing data using netCDF;
this work could form a mechanism for sharing climate data, both model / gridded values and observations, in netCDF using the WIS2.0 infrastructure.
6.2.1 Metadata requirements to enable WIS infrastructure. (Tom) confirmed
20 minutes. WIS data discovery and metadata. WIS metadata KPIs.
6.2.2 Opportunities for RCCs to contribute to and benefit from WIS 2.0 (Hassan, Dave) confirmed
20 minutes. WIS2 demo projects description and call for a climate WIS2 demo project.
6.3.2 ACP RCC IT requirements: possible approaches including the Cloud (Enrico) confirmed
20 minutes. RCC requirements and WIS2 principles/implementation.