Background of Volume C1

Background of Volume C1

Weather Reporting (WMO-No.9) https://library.wmo.int/doc_num.php?explnum_id=9897

(2012 edition)

Volume A: Observing stations

Volume C1: Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins

Volume C2: Transmission schedules

Volume D Information for shipping

This Volume contains the Catalogue of Meteorological Bulletins which gives for each compiling or editing centre of the Global Telecommunication System the list of meteorological bulletins being transmitted for global, inter-regional and regional exchanges. An abbreviated heading (TTAAii CCCC) uniquely identifies each bulletin. Full details as regards abbreviated headings are contained in WMO Publication No. 386 - Manual on the Global Telecommunication System - Volume I - Part II paragraph 2.3.2. The allocation of WMO standard data designators (TTAAii) is given in Attachment II-5 of the above publication. The list of international four-letter location indicators (CCCC) is given in Annex I to this introduction.










Weather Reporting


2012 Edition

Volume C1

Manual on the Global Telecommunication System: Annex III to the WMO Technical Regulations


2015 Edition

Updated in 2020

Volume I - Part II 2.3.2 Abbreviated heading

All CCCCs shall be published and defined in Weather Reporting (WMO-No.9) Volume C1, Annex I.

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