4th Joint meeting between TT-WISMon and TT-WDQMS-2022-Mar-15
Mar 15, 2022 12:00-13:00UTC
Mr Kai-Thorsten WIRT - Lead - ( Germany )
Mr Cristiano Zanna - Member - ( ECMWF )
Mr EGAWA, Takumu - Member - ( Japan )
Mr Francilly Lardin SAMBA - Member - ( Congo )
Mr Alexander Cress - Member - ( Germany )
Mr OTA, Yukinari -Member - ( Japan )
Ms Cristina PRATES - Member- ( ECMWF )
Ms Na LIU - Member - ( China )
Ms Yan LIU - Member - ( China )
WMO Secretariat
Enrico Fucile
Timo Proescholdt
Xiaoxia Chen
Mr Jeffrey ATOR - Lead- ( United States of America )
Identify the volunteers
test DWD software and suggest improvements
Discussion topics
No | Item | Presenter | Notes |
1 | Round-table introduction | All | Timo welcomes two new members from TT-WDQMS, Ms Na LIU and Ms Yan LIU from CMA. Enrico proposes everyone makes a brief self introduction. |
2 |
| Kai | Action: Timo & Kai to prepare a list of requirements and present to the team next time Kai: to check the problems by reviewing the JSON files
3 | Discussion | All | Q1: how to define baseline for GBON (which stations? Hourly observations?) Q2: what data to add? (OSCAR/Surface? Satellite?) Q3: can we use aggregation by country? Timo: What are the requirements for monitoring? What is the way to aggregate the metrics? to start with the draft specification with Kai Enrico: It is good to have the monitor requirements. including which template in BUFR is exchanged. This is to see the data compliant. Too many aspects may be challenging. ---- Kai: open metrics are suitable for monitoring. Egawa:
TImo: CMA expresses the interest in being the WDQMS NWP center. Francilly: