Ad-hoc joint team TT-WISMon&TT-WDQMS
Welcome to our collaborative working space!
The aim of this space is to provide a working platform for the ad-hoc joint team between TT-WISMon and TT-WDQMS
To work on the specifications of the monitoring centers and monitoring design
To share the meeting notes
Team members
Mr Kai-Thorsten WIRT - Lead - ( Germany )
Mr Cristiano Zanna - Member - ( ECMWF )
Mr EGAWA, Takumu - Member - ( Japan )
Mr Francilly Lardin SAMBA - Member - ( Congo )
Ms Xiang LI - Member - ( China )
Mr Jeffrey ATOR - Lead- ( United States of America )
Mr Alexander Cress - Member - ( Germany )
Mr OTA, Yukinari - - ( Japan )
Ms Cristina PRATES - - ( ECMWF )
WMO Secretariat
Enrico Fucile (Head, DIM/WIS/I)
Timo Proescholdt
Maaike Limper
Xiaoxia Chen
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