3rd Joint meeting between TT-WISMon and TT-WDQMS-2022-Feb-15
Date (TBD)
Feb 15, 2022 12:00-13:00UTC
Mr Kai-Thorsten WIRT - Lead - ( Germany )
Mr Cristiano Zanna - Member - ( ECMWF )
Mr EGAWA, Takumu - Member - ( Japan )
Mr Francilly Lardin SAMBA - Member - ( Congo )
Ms Xiang LI - Member - ( China ) (Absent)
Mr Jeffrey ATOR - Lead- ( United States of America ) (Absent)
Mr Alexander Cress - Member - ( Germany )
Mr OTA, Yukinari - - ( Japan )
Ms Cristina PRATES - - ( ECMWF )
Mr Peng WANG (CMA)
WMO Secretariat
Timo Proescholdt
Hassan Haddouch
Xiaoxia Chen
Review the discussion and high-level architecture
Finalize “loosely” vs “tightly” coupled approach
Data exchange format (Sensor Center and Monitoring Center)
The team reviewed the agreed architecture:
Central component and distributed Sensor Centers;
Sensor centers extract metadata and report to central component;
The team also agreed loosely coupled approach using MQP and hourly reporting.
File-exchange format (which metadata fields)
Agree to use JSON, since it allows to easily add fields and different fields by file-type
Need to agree mandatory fields by file-type
Need to agree how to distinguish WIS2 from GTS traffic
Approach 1: separate files for WIS2 and GTS
Approach 2: indicate “source” using a metadata field
Software that could be used by sensor centers
DWD (Kai) provides a containerized version of his prototype that could be jointly developed. Containerization makes reliable handling of WMO file-formats easier. (For example, the current implementation using the ECCodes image)
Software is intended to be periodically run on a directory of files
Could be developed into a “pipeline” where files are ingested into the system and processed by metadata extraction, aggregation and publication components
Pursue modular approach. One routine or container per file-type
Metadata extractions
Based on Open Source docker
Use JSON file format, since flexible with respect to adding new fields and different set of fields by type
Modular approach. One routine or container by filetype
Separate topic
Discussion topics
No | Item | Presenter | Notes |
2 | Review discussion and high-level architecture | Timo | Timo makes an introduction about the previous discussions and agreement. The presentation can be found here.
3 | Finalize “loosely” vs “tightly” coupled approach | ALL |
4 | Data exchange format (Sensor Center and Monitoring Center) | ALL |
Action items
- To schedule the next meeting in 2 or 3 weeks, to discuss 1) How to identity volunteers 2) to Test DWD software and suggest improvements