2024-11-18-ET-W2IT Monday meeting

2024-11-18-ET-W2IT Monday meeting


Nov 18, 2024 13:00-15:00 UTC


  • Jeremy TANDY (ET-W2IT Chair)

  • Rémy GIRAUD (SC-IMT Chair)

  • Lei XUE (CMA)

  • Xinqiang HAN (CMA)

  • Hyumin EOM (KMA)

  • Yoritsugi YUGE (JMA)

  • Masato FUJIMOTO (JMA)

  • Steve Olson (NOAA)

  • Kai Wirt-Thorsten (DWD)

  • José Mauro(INMET)

  • Chems eddine ELGARRAI (DGM)

  • Marc Giannoni (NOAA)

  • Max Marno (Synoptic)

  • Mohammed Khalaf AL-Ghamdi (NCM)

  • Paul Nelson (Met Office)

WMO Secretariat

  • Hassan Haddouch

  • Xiaoxia Chen

  • David Inglis Berry

  • Anna Milan

  • Timo Proescholdt


Meeting agenda

  1. Gateway WIS2 to GTS
    a. Work progress (China, UK) 
    b. Options to test the gateway  

  2. Assessment of the GTS2WIS2 Gateway 

  3. GTS to WIS2 transition 

    1. Review of the workflow 

    2. Metrics 

    3. Dashboards 

    4. KPIs 

  4. Any Other Business (AOB) 

Meeting Note

  1. Gateway WIS2 to GTS

    1. Work progress (China, UK)

    2. Options to test the Gateway








  1. Gateway WIS2 to GTS

1.1 Work progress

Paul Nelson

UK update on the work progress

  • a WIS2 to GTS gateway service operational ready now, using IBL’s moving weather software located in Met Office

  • internal operational procedure is in the process, a need to understand more complex WIS2 to GTS scenarios

  • Plan to move from the on-premises servers to the cloud based infrastructure, be ready in the first half year of 2025


  • Number of message (WIS2 message per hour per day) can be processed: Estimated, millions of bulletins.

  • Business responding time of adding a WIS2 node for the configuration change: 3 weeks before mid 2025

  • Peak capacity, to read from WNM to GTS message, how to manage to de-deduplicate messages from GB and GC: Test work was done

  • (Hassan) GTS decommission timeline: We plan to involve one or two countries in testing the gateway by the end of February 2025. The actual decommissioning of the GTS systems is expected to take place no earlier than mid-June 2025


China update on the work progress:

Shares the workflow of WIS2 to GTS gateway with examples.

  • Core functions developed, operational readiness targeted for March 2025 based on the requirement.

  • The function of sending metrics is under development.


  • Number of message (WIS2 message per hour per day) can be processed: Estimated, several millions of bulletins.

  • Business responding time of adding a WIS2 node for the configuration change: 2 weeks.

1.2 Options to test the gateway  



  • Agreed to adopt formal test scripts for functional and performance evaluation of gateways, similar to the Global Services tests

  • Decision: to do a formal test for WIS2 to GTS gateways scheduled for January-February 2025 to ensure operational readiness by March 2025.

  • Both Gateway providers to provide the metrics of gateways for Global Monitor


  • Action: Max, Jeremy, Paul to have a separate call for discussion on gateway deduplication

  • Action: Hassan, Paul, Lei, Jeremy to work on this test proposal.

  • Action: Hassan to prepare the communication note for countries to decommission the GTS (ready in April 2025)

  • Action: to make sure ET-WISOP participants read the Transition Guide which was officially published last week.

  1. Assessment of the GTS2WIS2 Gateway 

Kai and Yori


(Kai) summarizes: a list of GTS headers was shared with JMA colleagues. Topic Hierarchy: origin/a/wis2/centre-id/data/core/T1/T2/A1/A2/ii/CCCC

Q1: how do you decide the data is core or recommended based on the GTS headers?

Q2: Any metrics provided for GM to scrape?

A2: We need to agree first for the GTS to WIS2 gateway metrics.

Q3: Two data objects are cached by both Gateways? How can we check the data completeness?

A3: Between Germany and JMA, they work their best to get all the data. If some Members found the data missing, they should contact WMO Secretariat for further investigation.

(Rémy) Proposes to add a topic item to ET-WISOP meeting to discuss with GISC to check that everything that is published in GTS is on WIS2 (through the GTS to WIS2 Gateway)

(Yori) The system is in operational mode now. Not all data via the Gateway. We will fix the problem to get all data on the gateway.

Q4: any channel to access the restricted data (recommended data)

A4: need to contact JMA.

(Rémy) (Core/recommended data): adding recommended data to the gateway topic is intended to address the limitations in access to aviation data. (metar data is currently recommended data, not core data).

Summary: to task GISC to coordinate with RTH in their AoR to check the data completeness

Summary: no formal test for GTS to WIS2 Gateway is to be scheduled

  1. GTS to WIS2 transition 

    1. Review of the workflow 

    2. Metrics 

    3. Dashboards 

    4. KPIs 


To move to the next meeting


  • Transition timeline: Pilot phase for MSS decommission is expected in April 2025.

  • China to focus on WIS2 to GTS gateway. It is highly recommended that China does not to continue developing GTS to WIS2 gateway considering there are already two GTS to WIS2 gateway provided by DWD and JMA to avoid triple copies.

  • For WIS2 to GTS gateway, instead of adding “GTS to WIS2 gateways” to blacklists, always discard the WIS2 Notification Message (WNM) from de-dwd-gts-to-wis2 and jp-jma-gts-to-wis2

  • Agreed to adopt formal test scripts for functional and performance evaluation of WIS2 to GTS Gateway testing , similar to the Global Services tests

  • a formal test for WIS2 to GTS gateways is scheduled for January-February 2025 to ensure operational readiness by March 2025

  • Both Gateway providers to provide the metrics of gateways for Global Monitor


Hassan to prepare the communication note for countries to decommission the GTS (ready in April 2025)
To discuss on detailed test proposal for WIS2 to GTS Gateway: Jeremy, Paul, Lei and Secretariat
Secretariat: to make sure participants joining ET-WISOP meeting read the Transition Guide which was officially published last week.
To add an item - GISC checks in collaboration with RTHs that everything that is published in GTS is on WIS2
Jeremy and Paul: to further discuss the “minimal requirement to batch and re-compile messages” offline
Jeremy, Paul and Max: to discuss the deduplication and data subscription components applied at the Global Cache may be used for WIS2 to GTS Gateway

Next meeting

  • November 25, 13h UTC, focusing on Incident Management System and Monitoring and Alerting process

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