2024-11-25-ET-W2IT Monday meeting

2024-11-25-ET-W2IT Monday meeting


Nov 25, 2024 13:00-15:00 UTC

 Invited Participants

  • Jeremy TANDY (ET-W2IT Chair)

  • Rémy GIRAUD (SC-IMT Chair)

  • Lei XUE (CMA)

  • Xinqiang HAN (CMA)

  • Wenjing GU (CMA)

  • Hyumin EOM (KMA)

  • Yoritsugi YUGE (JMA)

  • Masato FUJIMOTO (JMA)

  • Steve Olson (NOAA)

  • Kai Wirt-Thorsten (DWD)

  • José Mauro(INMET)

  • Chems eddine ELGARRAI (DGM)

  • Max Marno (Synoptic)

  • Kari Sheets (NOAA)

  • Tom Kralidis (ECCC)

  • Antje Schremmer (DWD)

WMO Secretariat

  • Enrico Fucile

  • Hassan Haddouch

  • Xiaoxia Chen

  • David Inglis Berry

  • Anna Milan

  • Timo Proescholdt

Meeting agenda

  1. GM overview (20 min) (China/ Morocco) 

  2. Discussion on Monitoring and Alerting mechanism (40 min) 

    1. Metrics 

    2. dashboards 

    3. Monitor TH 

    4. Alerts triggering 

    5. Alerts messages 

  3. Incident Management System  

    1. Jira overview (WMO) (15 min) 

    2. Discussion on IMS (45 min) 

      1. When a ticket is to be open  

      2. Who is eligible to open a ticket 

      3. Tickets duplication 

      4. Tickets specification (label, type, …) 

      5. Workflow 

Meeting Note

  1. GM overview (20 min) (China/ Morocco) 

    1. Wenjing (CMA) presented the GM (China) dashboard

      1. (Rémy) two roles of Metrics: 1) to identify errors 2) to provide performance (KPI) analysis. To differentiate operational metrics and marketing metrics by grouping is most important.

      2. (Jeremy) process of requesting dashboard? GitHub repo ticket → change the dashboard design

      3. (Rémy) GB, connected flag (e.g BoM has been disconnected for months whereas Zambia was disconnected for serveral days, how can see the difference?)

      4. (Tom) we need to firstly identify the target audiences

    2. Chems shared the GM (Morocco) portal http://wis2live.marocmeteo.ma/ and Grafana dashboard https://wis2gmc.marocmeteo.ma/

  2. Discussion on Monitoring and Alerting mechanism (40 min) 

    1. Metrics 

    2. dashboards 

    3. Monitor TH 

    4. Alerts triggering 

    5. Alerts messages 

(Tom) updated the GitHub - wmo-im/wis2-monitoring-events: WIS2 Monitoring Events

(Rémy) We need to define the potential scenarios that an event message needs to be published to the monitor TH.

Summary: Both Lei and Chems confirm that they can publish the warning message to Monitor Topic Hierarchy and can create the Jira tickets for error and critical event messages.

(Max) for resolution message (when the errors have been solved): we need to agree on the text of the resolution message.

  1. Incident Management System  

    1. Jira overview (WMO) (15 min) 

(Timo) presented the Jira system.

Summary: Automatic tickets can be created only by GM operators. Manual tickets can be created by Global Services, GISCs and Secretariat.

Summary: GISC Watch lead GISC needs to manually check the existing Jira tickets , by checking the source, subject, time and data in the WIS2 event message and then to contact AoR to resolve the tickets,


Next meeting:

9 December


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