2025-01-13-ET-W2IT Monday meeting

2025-01-13-ET-W2IT Monday meeting


Jan 13, 2025 13:00-15:00 UTC

 Invited Participants

  • Jeremy TANDY (ET-W2IT Chair)

  • Rémy GIRAUD (SC-IMT Chair)

  • Lei XUE (CMA)

  • Xinqiang HAN (CMA)

  • Wenjing GU (CMA)

  • Ping GUO (CMA)

  • Hyumin EOM (KMA)

  • Yoritsugi YUGE (JMA)

  • Masato FUJIMOTO (JMA)

  • Steve Olson (NOAA)

  • José Mauro(INMET)

  • Chems eddine ELGARRAI (DGM)

  • Max Marno (Synoptic)

  • Tom Kralidis (ECCC)

WMO Secretariat

  • Enrico Fucile

  • Hassan Haddouch

  • Xiaoxia Chen

  • David Inglis Berry

  • Anna Milan

  • Timo Proescholdt


  • Kai Wirt-Thorsten (DWD)

  • Kari Sheets (NOAA)

Meeting agenda

  1. Testing proposals 

1.3 Next steps - including development of automated test suite

  1. Metrics proposals

  1. Monitoring publication of GTS data in WIS2

3.2 Global Caches not caching data from GTS-to-WIS2 gateways: https://github.com/wmo-im/wis2-operation/issues/1

Meeting Note

  1. Testing proposals 

No formal test is required. Germany and Japan are providing GTS to WIS2 Gateway.  

Dashboard: presented by Rémy how it works.  Q1: JMA is publishing less data than DWD. DWD is missing data from GC (Germany). Q2: GC (Japan) is not caching Gateway data (DWD).

Decision: Performance testing is not required

Decision: 7.5 Agreed by the team.

Action: (Jeremy)



Q(Lei): all GTS core data is needed to be available from the gateway.

Action: Lei, Paul, Jeremy: data correction and amendments for WIS2 data to GTS gateway.


(Tom): Note that for 8: GTS Properties Validation Failure: this is specific to the WIS2 Transition Guide only (and NOT part of WMN per se).


This means that there is no formal JSON Schema to help w/ any validation here.  So a simple presence check on properrites.gts.ttaaii and properties.gts.cccc, works, programatically. https://wmo-im.github.io/wis2-transition-guide/transition-guide/wis2-transition-guide-DRAFT.html#_3_2_3_1_for_wis_centres_wishing_to_stop_their_message_switching_system Provisions for the transition from the WMO Information System (WIS) 1.0 and Global Telecommunication System to WIS 2.0 (DRAFT)


(Decision) No cross-reference against Vol C1 (controlled list not up-to-date).

(Action) The Centre should provide the list of GTS headers.

(Action) Rémy to provide a list of reality based on the sensor centres.

(Action) Lei and Paul to review the functional tests.


 (Action)Jeremy to update the test document, including the scale-up scenarios, 2000 WNM per minute can be seen as “Passed”. (WIS2 NM Processing Rate)


(Action) auto-testing-script in python to be provided by ______ (any volunteers?)


Proposal of the join the dry-run test countries: Poland, Uruguay, Burkina Faso , South Korea (to be confirmed)


1.3 Next steps - including development of automated test suite

  1. Metrics proposals

(Action) All operators to go through the metrics proposals and provide the feedback.

  1. Monitoring publication of GTS data in WIS2

3.2 Global Caches not caching data from GTS-to-WIS2 gateways: https://github.com/wmo-im/wis2-operation/issues/1


Next meeting:

27 January