ET-IM-8 (2021-Aug-03) Meeting notes

ET-IM-8 (2021-Aug-03) Meeting notes


Aug 3, 2021 12:00-13:30UTC


  • ET-IM

    • Hassan Haddouch

    • Ge Peng

    • William Wright

    • Axel Andersson

    • Tim Boyer

  • WMO Secretariat

    • Anna Milan

    • Xiaoxia Chen

  • Apologies

    • Enrico Fucile

    • Rachid Sebbari

    • Feng Gao


  • Review and discuss the draft document version 0.1

    • Peng went over the types of information for Earth system data

    • William went over the Information Management Lifecycle

Discussion topics









what does information mean to you for your discipline and what you do?

Tim: Ocean perspective: Products derived from data that lead to a greater understanding of an entity (UN 2020). Examples: (i) the interpretation of a range of data from an array of conductivity sensors across the Arctic Ocean that informs us about that ocean’s salinity range; or (ii) the narrative text of a report on harmful algal blooms that informs the reader on the timing of these blooms. Peng: --> Scientific information?

William: Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom. It defines Information as "Data plus context", and distinguishes information from data as being "organised, structured, categorised, useful, condensed, calculated".  Examples: i) apply a pattern categorisation approach to daily/monthly rainfall totals to define statistics and patterns using, for instance, compositing or empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. ii) Others: analyses, reports, procedural manuals, forecasts and warnings, seasonal predictions and climate change projections, process documentation, computer code, inventories, algorithms.



Definition of Data

Definition of Information

  • William: information also includes

    • data+analysis+manual+guid+compute code +

    • model derived products

    • computer code

    • for management: should include quality control and life cycle

    • manual is regulatory material

    • guidance and policy about cloud technology should be considered too

    • BoM has a cloud policy which could be helpful to refer to

  • Peng:

    • Res.42 derived products are part of data, not information.

    • provide high level of definition and examples to distinguish them

    • what is not included here (such as financial data)

    • Question: Roles and responsibilities included in this guidance?

      • (William) appendix could work

      • (Axel) should be mentioned

  • Axel

    • Think about the abstraction level

    • to restructure data-information and then go to data/information management

    • cloud: specific, related to data security

    • information customer (information providers consider who will use the data)

    • Can provide examples of warming reports and bulletins

  • Hassan

    • process of both data and information is the same

    • definition of data and information are different, but the data/information management is of the same

    • the current version is ok

    • guidance is for WMO community and support all WMO Programms

    • to develop standards and best practice from the guidance

    • now the draft is good to share with other teams who may add more to the definitions

  • Tim

    • do we need to add information limit for management? (Team agrees)




Information Management

  • (Axel) Scope should be flexible

  • (Tim) DMP/SLA works well for large data sources. Do we need data manage plan for individual cruise or at hoc measurements taken by an individual during the cruise?

  • (Hassan) prototype for management plan can be used for all information creation

  • (William/Peng) data management plan can be set at the project level

  • (William) to make people to think about the cost of data maintenance

  • (Axel) data management plan depends on its application

Action items

William to revise the creation session in information management part.


  • Next meeting: August 31 2pm-3:30pm (CET)


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