ET-IM-16 (2022-Apr-28) Meeting notes

ET-IM-16 (2022-Apr-28) Meeting notes



Apr 28, 2022


  • @David Berry

  • @Ge Peng

  • @tim.boyer (Unlicensed)

  • @William J Wright (Unlicensed)

  • @sebbari


@Axel.Andersson (Unlicensed)

@Xiaoxia Chen

@Enrico Fucile




  • Update from WMO secretariat (David)

  • Any other general update?

  • Updates on the IM Guide draft from the section leads, including risks and challenges they are facing and help they may need from the team:

    • 6.1 Introduction (DB/GP)

    • 6.2 Definitions (GP/XC)

    • 6.3 Principles of information management (RS/WW)

    • 6.4 Information Management Lifecycle (WW/RS)

    • 6.5 Other Considerations (HH)

    • 6.6 Summary and Conclusion (WW)

  • Team discussion: Path forward (Timeline we are working with: 29th July or earlier)

  • Date for next Team Meeting?

 Discussion topics









WMO updates

No change to deadlines, we are still aiming for the end of July (29th) but it may be possible to make minor changes after this date. The absolute deadline for handing over to the translators is thought to be the 1st September but they are going to be very busy preparing documents for sessions of both INFCOM and SERCOM in October. It would be good to get the draft to them before then.

@David Berry will check the status of making changes between INFCOM and EC/Cg in 2024.

The Team discussed who has access to the draft and excel sheet for tracking response to comments. All members present had access but there were some issues with editing the online word document and responding to comments. @David Berry proposed that those having issues download the document, edit offline and to then send the document to @David Berry once finished for inclusion in the primary version.

@sebbari asked whether the team should update both the word document and excel tracker, he had been doing both. @David Berry responded that he would go through the word document, check the comments and then update the xls to save members having to enter the information twice.


Updates on the IM draft


6.1 Work is progressing and many of the comments addressed.

6.2 Work started, @Ge Peng (Unlicensed) hoping to concentrate on the section during May. @William J Wright (Unlicensed) flagged that we should be consistent with the definitions used in the Manual on High-quality Global Data Management Framework for Climate (WMO-No. 1238). @William J Wright (Unlicensed) also noted that the CDMS Specification document (WMO-No 1131) was undergoing revision. @tim.boyer (Unlicensed) has agreed to check definitions in the ocean best practices community.

6.3 / 6.4, work in progress

6.5 and 6.6: Discussion over content to include, decision to rename section 6.5 as “Discussion” and to use the section to wrap up elements not covered elsewhere. Some of the text previously proposed may be covered elsewhere in the WIS guide.

@William J Wright (Unlicensed) noted that the ET-DRC were looking to leverage work in the WIS. For example on capacity building with respect to Information Management, is there any guidance that can be used by the ET-DRC or do we need to include some in the guide? The conclusion was that this needs further discussion and the Team needs to be careful of scope creep. @David Berry noted that there may be other text in the WIS guide that may cover this, @David Berry to share latest version.

As part of the discussion of the WIS guide the Team discussed whether we should consider the content when drafting the IM guidance or to treat the IM guidance as a standalone document. It was agreed to treat it as standalone for now, noting it would be easier to remove content later.


Next meeting and actions


The next meeting will be on the 19th May at the same time.

Action on section leads to go through comments and to add major comments for discussion to the agenda of the next meeting (see ET-IM-17 (2022-May-19) Meeting notes ). Other comments to be addressed in the text.

 Action items

@David Berry to share WIS Guide
Section leads: add major comments for discussion to the agenda of the next meeting


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