Principle 11: WIS 2.0 encourages data providers to publish metadata describing their data [EF1] and Web services in a way that can be indexed by commercial search engines

Principle 11: WIS 2.0 encourages data providers to publish metadata describing their data [EF1] and Web services in a way that can be indexed by commercial search engines

WIS 2.0 encourages data providers to publish metadata describing their data [EF1] and Web services in a way that can be indexed by commercial search engines


  • Indexing by commercial search engines will help users discover data and associated services using their preferred search engine[1] rather than having to find and use a WIS portal.

Note that efforts will be made to harmonize the metadata required for the revised WIS Catalogue and for indexing by commercial search engines to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort by data providers.

[1]   As an example of how Google uses schema.org structured markup to enable users to find datasets, please see the following article from Nature: "Google unveils search engine for open data" https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-06201-x



Is this about information about variables, stations etc and if so what is there a relation or even link to the WIGOS Metadata?



WIS 2.0 is not only used for observations. In the case of observations there is already in the current WIS the possibility of making a link to a link to OSCAR surface to access WIGOS Metadata?

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