IM and Security

IM and Security

The security issue dealing with IM, is a key element in IM process. Information is not always given the protection it deserves based on its value. The following best practices are to consider:

  • Identify roles and responsibilities in regard to the access, protection, and distribution of information.

  • Categorize information - don't treat all information the same. categorize information to manage it according to its value.

  • Store information and data according to its value.

  • Protect data according to its value

  • Replicate critical information and data throughout the day to ensure no data loss incurs

  • Backup important data and information to an alternative location

  • Test data recovery and business continuity/disaster recovery regularly (daily) to ensure it can overcome any potential data loss as soon as possible.

  • Ensure types of users are identified and enforced, such as administrator, read and write access, read only access or no access

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