The teams met to review the high-level requirements and discuss the high-level architecture of the WIS monitoring prototype with a view of implementing a GBON and WIS 2.0 monitoring. The teams agreed that the overall architecture will consist of a several sensor centers providing monitoring information to a central monitoring component. An “active” approach, whereby the sensor centers process data and extract the metadata needed for the monitoring should be taken. The team also discussed the extent to which WIS 2.0 principles could be used in the design. A PubSub Pub/Sub approach would in principle allow to send monitoring data in real-time to the central component instead of a periodic transfer of aggregate information. However, the functional requirements do not require real-time access and the teams tentatively felt that a periodic file transfer, perhaps supported by a broker would result in an operationally more stable solution. The teams agreed to meeting meet again in 2-3 weeks' time to again discuss the issue of data - transfer as well as more detailed requirements.
- to reach the TT-GISC for their contribution and comments on the sensor centers
- JMA colleagues to review the presentation and send the feedback to Secreatariat