Boudouin: hash not checked, verify correct or not,
Remy: data_id (msg_id to identify the message), do we use hash to check the integrity (checksum)?
Tom: data_id, header, apply to the response, to serve as cache validation, ear Tag
Remy: how to identify the duplicated messages
Boudouin: we have problems of deduplication and loops which are different problems. Using unique ID
Peter: message id is generated by Global cache
Remy: Do we want some tailored to WIS2? Our goal is to design a solution that people can implement in different ways.
Tom: any objection to testing the proposal? To add an identifier element to the properties and then to test it
Remy: we need the guide on WIS/WIS2 to be approved by Cg2023. Our goal to deduplicate the data download.
Thorsten: I agree to test the new proposal of data format.
Peter: how the user can tell whether the data can be downloaded or not
Remy: no access control to cache, data can be controlled by the metadata
Topic be included in ID?
Remy: both message ID and data ID are UUID
Remy: preoperational phase will start later this year. The main functions of GB/GC are clear.
Hassan: For the constraint of time, the details will be described into Guide. The next year will be the experimental year. So currently, we need to agree on the concepts and then try to test it.
David: I am a big fan of tidy data and keeping everything explicit with one piece of information per field rather than mixing up multiple pieces of information and then having to parse it to extract the data.