OSCAR surface progress: 44 AWS WSI assigned; 6 not registered at AWS(38/44)
Amazon cloud: server configuration ready
Campbell scientific: BUFR in progress, transimission (to Amazon S3, to GISC PRetoria) in progress
Data transmission problems: from the station to the cloud
Benefits for Malawi NMHS: high frequency AWS data aquisition; NWP data
Quesitons and discussion
service provider problems, to be handled within a short time
set positions, postpaide side of the network:
the timely announcement will be sent in future
Data on Amazon cloud, any limitation , why not store data in Malawi?
(EF) reason: system is resilient for 7x24, comparing to previous ways of using PC or workstations at office. Single point of failure will lead to the data loss from the Member. To build a resilient system in the cloud which will never stop.
(EF) Who can access the data? Administrators can acquire the date. Campbell, WMO Secratariat NOW have the access, when it is ready, Malawi colleagues will take over it.
AWS registered in OSCAR, how about other stations. more widely participation?
EF: Pretoria, fix problems of GTS transmission, more data from Manual stations not transmitting pressure, which can not be used fully
frequency of the data transmission
so, to focus on the AWS, not the manual stations.
Capacity building: Campbell is helping installation. How about the sustainability?
Amazon will provide training
Train cloud services, and how to set up the system
not the scope of the project
training for the data use
build an app or website to show
Thanks for the good demonstration. The solution is the first one in Africa
license acquisition, how to ensure licensing (fee), the problme of internet would be a major problem to download from the cloud to Malawi.
Internet problems: expensive internet, good internet connection is very expensive for NMHS.
Cloud service, reason, non/stop service, database in the cloud is a second storage which is available. Data source is still there if you lose the connection.
Internet connection problem:
Question: Maintenance, long term arrangement, any long/term strategy. exit strategy?
How to tranfer to other countries, to ask them the collection cloud/based collection system, in other countries, deploy such system. (Campbell)
Telecommunication system is changing. Change the data exchange, based on wis2 and cloud/based
Actions: discuss later, licensing
High resolution NWP processing,
NWP model: will be presented in the next meeting
Question: station to cloud to Pretoria to GTS
Question: Does Malawi need to pay.
No payment
Reliable system
Frequency of the problems Malawi faces
(RW) antennas instatllation will be able to boost the signal for better connection
how they find their data, make use of the data
RW: nowcasting, forecasters are in better position now.
issues of sustainability, data policy,
100% support the project
cloud based data collection is a technology that can be done under different circumstances
Training and Sustainability: Malawi colleagues to learn how to use it
Exit strategy will be discussed later
installation , 124 manual stations, most of them were done by ourselves, so we have the capacity to install stations
Joseph Mukabana
Data ownship:
service provider
Lars Peter
data ownership: big jigsaw parcel
workshop internally
return flow
Motivation is most important, not the data policy and techonology
Just move forward
no mixture of the discussion between solutions and data policy
no mixture of Physical location of the data and the data ownershipÂ