13:00-15:00 UTC
\uD83D\uDC65 Invited Participants
Jeremy TANDY (ET-W2IT Chair)
Rémy GIRAUD (SC-IMT Chair)
Hyumin EOM (KMA)
Steve Olson (NOAA)
José Mauro(INMET)
Max Marno (Synoptic)
Tom Kralidis (ECCC)
Kai Wirt-Thorsten (DWD)
Kari Sheets (NOAA)
Saad Mohammed Almajnooni
Elena Arenskotter (DWD)
Majed (NCM)
WMO Secretariat
Enrico Fucile
Hassan Haddouch
Xiaoxia Chen
David Inglis Berry
Anna Milan
Timo Proescholdt
Xinqiang HAN (CMA)
Wenjing GU (CMA)
Ping GUO (CMA)
Yoritsugi YUGE (JMA)
Chems eddine ELGARRAI (DGM)
Meeting agenda
Proposals for other types of centres
Sensor Centres and data availability/quality monitoring
Global Replay service
Global Cache “for friends” (i.e., for NMHS institutions only)
Metadata publisher / validator service
Domain/theme-specific portals
Proposals for future of RTHs (requested by Exec Council) - i.e., encouraging them to operate a WIS2 service once their RTH function expires? Option: run 2x workshops Sep-Dec 2025 angled at on-boarding RTHs to be WIS2 service operators.
Meeting Note
Proposals for other types of centres
Sensor Centres and data availability/quality monitoring
Global Replay service
Global Cache “for friends” (i.e., for NMHS institutions only)
Metadata publisher / validator service
Domain/theme-specific portals
How many instances that we need at regional/national?
Description of each type
How are we going to develop further?
(Rémy) Argo data ? How do they publish the argo data via WIS2? Q2: Any broker service can provide to entities which have already provide the data via their established websites, working as an interface role? Global MQTT server as a service. (David) for ocean, climate, cryosphere community, considering it is a barrier for them to publish notification, a shared broker service will be beneficial for them. (Maaike) a shared regional broker service may be contradicting to our WIS2 architecture, local broker + Global broker.
(Rémy) To offer an option for those data providers who have already published their data to website without the need to publish via a WIS2 node. Shared MQTT broker service as a 6th type of service.
(Kai) DWD’s current practice (Israel wis2node running on DWD infrastructure) is based on the bilateral LoA. If it is going to be an official service, we need to identify the procedure to be followed. Who is eligible to use such services? MQTT server with streamlined service. How many instances that might be needed. (No fixed number) Is global or regional responsibility? (it depends on service provider’s decision). When it might be needed? (by mid year? Currently, the service doesn’t existed.)
(Maaike) Can we have a shared broker for non-real time data to publish WCMP2 records?
(Jeremy) to identify a small list of RTHs to be willing to develop and provide these services. (Potential list could be from GISCs not providing any global services or from big RTHs)
Global Replay service :
Description: Listening to Global Broker, and caching to Global Cache; this provides the service after the service is down for some time. API is based on OGC APIs; implementation on GitHub repo:
Instances number: 2+
Global or regional responsibility: Global
(Question from Max: retention: how long?) (Rémy: by seconds) (Tom: retention is currently set as 24 hours. to subscribe to origin and cache.)
When is it needed: No specific milestone
Candidate operator: ECCC, there is an instance for operating this service.
Question: (1) What if GREP service is also down? (2) Monitor is also needed to know when it is offline.
Sensor Centres
Description: Type of sensor centres
Decision: (Rémy) to create one or two pages on GitHub Repo to review and then for discussion. To compare two Gateways (GTS to WIS2 Gateways provided by DWD and JMA, very differently, Chems to decode BUFRs to compare two Gateways)
Action: Hassan to share the ET with the right repo for discussion on sensor centres.
Action: all to contribute to other types of sensor centres.
Metadata publisher / validator service
Description: standalone web applications metadata editors. To edit, to validate, to quality assess the metadata. to have some validation before passing to GDC. (it is a software)
Instances: at least ONE
Global or regional responsibility: Global
When is it needed: as soon as people want to use it regularly
Candidate operator: Option 1: a metadata editor available in wis2box. Option 2: metadata editor provided by SYNOPTIC
Action: Tom to provide an analysis on both options and report back
Domain/theme-specific portals
Description: A portal
(Timo) WIPPS portal: two-phase project, phase 1 is to design the portal interface; phase 2 is to be linked to the metadata discovery catalogue. Current WIPPS portal.
(Kai) WIS2 catalogue should be good enough for users to build their portal. We should not focus on building portals.
Proposals for future of RTHs (requested by Exec Council) - i.e., encouraging them to operate a WIS2 service once their RTH function expires? Option: run 2x workshops Sep-Dec 2025 angled at on-boarding RTHs to be WIS2 service operators.
"Requests INFCOM to consider the elaboration of a comprehensive guidance for the cease of functions of RTH;" Quote from EC-78
Action: to create one page for the RTH functions (To firstly develop the prototype and then demonstrate to RTHs in Q4 to host)
Next meeting
24 February
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