GISC Beijing Web services catalogue projects

GISC Beijing Web services catalogue projects


WIS 2.0 Functional Architecture requires to:

  • “Maintain and expose Catalogue of services and information”, containing metadata that describes both data and the services provided to access that data, via APIs, file download, etc.

  • “Interoperate with other information systems”, particularly with the World Wide Web, ensuring the Web services can be indexed and discoverable by commercial search engines.

Project description

The project aims to design metadata for WEB services and APIs and implement a Catalogue of services as a portal website. Service providers can publish their services as service metadata records, describing APIs, data and how to access them. Each service metadata is published to the Web with accessible URLs. Service users can discover their interested services, either via the Catalogue portal or by commercial search engines. As a pilot project, several services covering GISC Beijing AoR members will be implemented and published.

Project Lead

LI Xiang (China)


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