(blue star)Date

12:00 UTC

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  1. Review of past minutes and actions

  2. Report(s) from related Expert Teams and Task Teams

  3. Review and discuss the draft document version 0.1

  4. Date of next meeting

(blue star)Discussion topics





  1. Review of actions

  • Table to collect list of potential reviewers: File Folder.

  • Action list updated.

  • Updated action for comments on draft by 21st Jan.

  • DB to download document following final comments and convert to *.docx format and tidy up.

  • Aim to share rough draft by end of January (31st) for initial feedback on general layout and contents.

  • Peng - it would be good to have a short paragraph to go along with draft giving context and background to guide.

  • Action all: add potential list of reviewers to Excel document.

  • Discussion of who, look to relevant to ETs but also members.

    • Should we include someone from the ET-Metadata team as well.

    • DB to draft intro paragraph for initial reviewers.

      • Cover purpose of document

      • Scope of review

      • Request for further content / discussion

    • XC noted WIS newsletter, potential to include article and request for early reviewers. Deadline for newsletter end of January (see update below).

    • DB and GP supported this idea, promote guide and request expressions of interest to review guide.

    • WW need to note that codes are out of scope in this document.

    • Do we need to say that we are looking for additional content as well as review?

    • Rather than review, advertise the guide as a draft for public discussion.

1. A brief update on the next WIS Newsletter

Xiao Chen

For potential additional reviewers and content contributors

Current version:

2. Report from related ETs and TTs

WW: Final version of updated manual has been prepared (High quality Global Data Management Framework for Climate)

WW: One recommendation is to include / update description of mechanism for updating manuals and guides. This used to exist for CBS but needs updating following reform. DB noted ongoing discussion in Infrastructure department to forward more info to WW. HH expects that this will be the same process but with updated names of commissions.

WW within CBS there were various diagrams showing reporting lines. This will have to change with updated commissions.

HH first step to share the document (IM guide) with some experts for review.

GP question on timeline, when do we need draft ready. DB InfCom meeting scheduled for November so we want to aim for final version by late June or early July noting the Northern summer break.

3. Review of draft

(blue star)Action items

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(blue star)Decisions

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