Awaiting input. Co-chairs to follow up.
This includes Securely storing and sharing information.
Use suitable tools to access data/information: Share information to the maximum extent possible, through an organisational website or repository (e.g. a NMHS portal) and/or a discipline-specific repository (e.g. Pacific Climate Change Portal). The web portal is the single point of entry for the discovery and manipulation of data and products. It allows users to browse and search for data and products, perform data retrievals and visualise or download data/information. Avoid using project websites for longterm storage as they are often not maintained once the project is finished.
Complying with data/information sharing policies: Information sharing/publication options include full open access, restricted access, and metadata-only access. For restricted information, you can share basic details about the information resource without making the full resource openly accessible. You can tell people what they need to do to access the full resource (e.g. apply for a password, negotiate access with data owners). Where appropriate, license your organisation’s information outputs with Creative Commons licences, so others can more fully reuse or repurpose them, while still giving your organisation credit.
Complying with Copyright laws: You should comply with any copyright and licensing restrictions before you share information created by a third party.