13:00-15:00 UTC
\uD83D\uDC65 Invited Participants
Jeremy TANDY (ET-W2IT Chair)
Rémy GIRAUD (SC-IMT Chair)
Xinqiang HAN (CMA)
Wenjing GU (CMA)
Ping GUO (CMA)
Hyumin EOM (KMA)
Yoritsugi YUGE (JMA)
Steve Olson (NOAA)
José Mauro(INMET)
Chems eddine ELGARRAI (DGM)
Max Marno (Synoptic)
Tom Kralidis (ECCC)
Kai Wirt-Thorsten (DWD)
Kari Sheets (NOAA)
WMO Secretariat
Enrico Fucile
Hassan Haddouch
Xiaoxia Chen
David Inglis Berry
Anna Milan
Timo Proescholdt
Meeting agenda
Proposals for other types of centres
Sensor Centres and data availability/quality monitoring
Global Replay service
Global Cache “for friends” (i.e., for NMHS institutions only)
Metadata publisher / validator service
Domain/theme-specific portals
Proposals for future of RTHs (requested by Exec Council) - i.e., encouraging them to operate a WIS2 service once their RTH function expires? Option: run 2x workshops Sep-Dec 2025 angled at on-boarding RTHs to be WIS2 service operators.
Meeting Note
Proposals for other types of centres
Sensor Centres and data availability/quality monitoring
Global Replay service
Global Cache “for friends” (i.e., for NMHS institutions only)
Metadata publisher / validator service
Domain/theme-specific portals
Proposals for future of RTHs (requested by Exec Council) - i.e., encouraging them to operate a WIS2 service once their RTH function expires? Option: run 2x workshops Sep-Dec 2025 angled at on-boarding RTHs to be WIS2 service operators.
Next meeting
XX February
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