4.1 General
4.1.1 There are 15 9 technical specifications (WIS2-TechSpecs) that define the interfaces to the major WIS2 functions. The specifications for these interfaces are described in more detail in Appendix D and are named and numbered as follows:
UploadingPUBLICATION of metadata for data andproductsSERVICESUploadingEXCHANGE of dataand products;Centralization of globally distributed dataPROVISION OF GLOBAL SERVICES;Maintenance of user identification and role informationOPERATING A GLOBAL BROKER;Consolidated view of distributed identification and role informationOPERATING A GLOBAL CACHE;Authentication of a userOPERATING A GLOBAL DISCOVERY CATALOGUE;Publishing metadata as a National Center or Data Collection and ProductionCenter
Authorization of a user role;Operating data Exchange as a National Center or Data Collection and Production Center
DAR metadata (WIS discovery metadata) catalogue search and retrieval;Monitoring compliance
Consolidated view of distributed DAR metadata (WIS discovery metadata) catalogues;
15. Reporting of quality of service.
4.1.2 NCs and DCPCs shall support seven five of the 15 9 technical specifications, specifically WIS-TechSpec-1, -2, -45, -1011, 7 -11128, -12 13 and -15 9. An NC can arrange through bilateral agreements for another NC, a DCPC or a GISC to perform functions on its behalf.
4.1.3 According to the particular requirements of a DCPC in its programme role, DCPCs shall support up to 13 14 of the 15 16 technical specifications. DCPCs are not required to support WIS-TechSpec-3 4 or WIS-TechSpec-910910.
4.1.4 WIS GISCs shall support all 15 16 technical specifications 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9 technical specifications and contribute to at least one of 3, 4, 5 and 6.
4.1.5 Any DCPC or NC is welcome to implement interfaces beyond the minimum required. Accordingly, the technical specification is mandatory wherever application of the interface is applied.
4.1.6 The WIS2GTS file-naming convention shall be used for files and the associated metadata record whenever necessary. The GTS WIS2 file-naming convention is documented in Annex
4.2 WIS-TechSpec-1: Uploading PUBLICATION of metadata for data and products SERVICES
4.2.1 This specification requires that each metadata record uploaded shall be represented in compliance with the WMO Core Metadata Profile WCMP2 based on OGC API records ISO 19115, as specified in Part V, with a unique identifier.
4.2.2 Uploading shall use methods prescribed by the receiver, which is typically the host of a WIS DAR metadata (WIS discovery metadata) catalogue. NC/DCPC shares a new dataset. They publish a discovery metadata record to their local catalogue describing this dataset.
4.2.3 Discovery, access and retrieval metadata should be provided prior to the files or messages associated with the metadata. NC/DCPC propagate metadata message to the Global Discovery Catalogue via the Global Cache
4.2.4 For updating the DAR metadata (WIS discovery metadata) catalogue, GISCs should support two kinds of maintenance facilities: a file-upload facility for batch updating (add, replace or delete metadata records treated as separate files) and an online form for changing metadata entries in the DAR metadata (WIS discovery metadata) catalogue (add, change or delete elements in a record, as well as whole records).
4.3 WIS-TechSpec-2: Uploading EXCHANGE of data and products
4.3.1 This specification requires that uploaded data or products shall be represented in the manner prescribed by the relevant programme, including, where appropriate, the Manual on the Global Telecommunication System (WMO-No. 386), Part II, Attachment II-2, and the Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306), as well as other WMO Manuals and the GTS file-naming convention as noted in 4.1.6.
4.4 WIS-TechSpec-3: Centralization of globally distributed dataPROVISION OF GLOBAL SERVICES
4.4.1 (General description of all the global services) This specification requires that the Manual on the Global Telecommunication System (WMO-No. 386), Part I, Attachment I-3, is applied, as appropriate, to the centralized copies of information intended for global exchange (described in 3.5.1).
4.5 WIS-TechSpec-4: Maintenance of user identification and role informationOPERATING A GLOBAL BROKER
4.5.1 User identification and role information shall be represented and communicated using methods prescribed by the receiver, which is typically the host of an identification and role-information database.
4.7 WIS-TechSpec-6: Authentication of a userOPERATING A GLOBAL DISCOVERY CATALOGUE
4.7.1 WIS centres should employ authentication standards, which may include public key infrastructure techniques.
4.8 WIS-TechSpec-7: Publishing metadata as a National Center or Data Collection and Production CenterAuthorization of a user role
4.9 WIS-TechSpec-8: Operating data Exchange as a National Center or Data Collection and Production CenterDAR metadata (WIS discovery metadata) catalogue search and retrieval
4.10 WIS-TechSpec-9: Monitoring complianceConsolidated view of distributed DAR metadata (WIS discovery metadata) catalogues