No | Member | Role | Country | Present |
1 | Lei XUE | Co-Chair | China | Yes |
2 | Thorsten BÜSSELBERG | Co-Chair | Germany | Yes |
3 | Chems eddine ELGARRAI | member | Morocco | Yes |
4 | Christa FERREIRA | member | South Africa | Yes |
5 | Yoritsugi ohno YUGE | member | Japan | Yes |
6 | Prashant BANSAL | member | India | Yes |
7 | Hyunmin EOM | member | Republic of Korea | Yes |
8 | Mohammed AL-GHAMDI | member | Saudi Arabia | Yes |
9 | José Mauro DE REZENDE | member | Brazil | Yes |
10 | Kari Lynn SHEETS | member | United States of America | No |
11 | Vladimir Viktorovich TSUKANOV (Vera joins) | member | Russian Federation | YesNo |
12 | David PODEUR | member | France | Yes |
13 | Dr Weiqing QU | member | Australia | No |
14 | Zeinab ZAKERI | member | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Yes |
15 | Paul NELSON | member | United Kingdom | Yes |
16 | Tom KRALIDIS | member | Canada | Yes |
GISC Roles: Lei presented the action list of GISC agreed at the ET-WISOP Kick-off meeting, including short-term (to be completed by April 2025), mid-term (by September 2025) and longer-term (2026) tasks by GISCs.
Q: All GB operators: discard invalid messages?
A: (Rémy): not yet; A:(Tom) WIS metadata, TT-WISMD needs to validate at the next FastTrack. Leaf vs non-leaf, Validated Topic Hierarchy . Decision: more clarification other than change in the Specification.
Action1: All GISCs to update the Progress of 14 short-term tasks (to-do, In-progress, done). (Note: the tasks are not in a specific order.)
Action2: For those who cannot access this GitHub Repo Project, please share the GitHub handler with Hassan.
Action3: Global Broker operators should enable schema validation starting January 2025.
Action 4: GISCs to review metrics on discarded messages and to liaise with relevant centres. (After both GM(China) and GM (Morocco) review and finalize the dashboard prepared for GISCs)
Discussion 1: For “Leaf” and “Non-leaf” topics, clarification are needed in specification, which is Publishers “should” use leaf topics but “may” use non-leaf topics. The topic hierarchy validation is expected to be enabled by April 2025.
Discussion 2: GB (China) has already switched on discarding invalid messages. (schema) GB(France) will implement the schema discard .
Question: who to notify the WIS2 node having the invalid schema, GISC or GB?
Decision: To invite the GISC to take a look and liaison with the centres.
Action 1: All ET-WISOP members to share with the GitHub handlers with Hassan to get access to the GitHub repo project. Now only need to focus more on short-term tasks(15 items). To complete the status of each action item.
(Hassan) There is no order for the 15 action tasks. The aim to complete all these 15 items by April 2025.
2.Update on the Incident Management System (IMS) JIRA and its way forward
(Enrico) Presents Guide to WIS2 IMS . To (2-page document), explaining the workflow and basic points.
2 roles: reporter (to create a ticket)/assignee (
to resolve a ticket)
5 status: Triage/To-do/In progress/In review/
Done (Some status can be skipped)
Triage: when a ticket is created. a) GISC on-duty watch to triage; b) Both manual tickets and automatic tickets can be assigned to identified/known users directly.
To-do: ticket needs to be processed
In-progress: someone is working on this issue
In review: ticket is being reviewed. Reviewer can send it back to “In progress” as needed
Done: ticket is resolved
3 types of issues: incident/maintenance/support
4 priorities: low/medium/high/Very high
Labels: WIS2 components (such as Global Broker, Global Cache, Global Discovery Catalogue, Global Monitor, Node, WIS2_to_GTS_Gateway, GTS_to_WIS2_Gateway)
(Amro) to present presents the Jira system.
Question from Lei:(1) Any sound alert available for the tickets?
(2) Any API to be used in local operational system?
(3) How can I delete the tickets by bulk? (Amro will check this feature.)
Question from Chems: is it possible to add associated centre in the tickets?
Question from David: are all tickets needed for On-duty GISC Watch to triage?
Answer: People creating the ticket manually can assign the ticket to known entity directly.
Rémy: automated tickets are created for important operational reasons. The functions of assigning the automated tickets directly to the relevant GISCs is needed.
Users creating tickets can
Action 1: Amro to check the bulk deletion of tickets.
Discussion 1: there is a need to improved search functionality within the interface
Discussion 2: Are sound alert available for the tickets? (Assignees and watchers will be receiving the email for tickets updates. Outlook can enable the sound alert whenever there is a new email.) (Note that: Users creating tickets can add multiple users. Users can also add themselves to be watching the tickets.)
3.GISC Watch
David Podeur will lead the task, working together with GISC Tokyo.
Decision 1: no GISC watch first four period, (Beijing, Melbourne, Pretoria, Exeter) till 28 Feb 2025, no GISC Watch for the last http://period.No GISC watch from 16 December 2024 to 28 Febuary February 2025
Decision 2: GISC Jeddah to be included in the GISC Roaster
Decision 3: GISC Watch Guide (a doc format), David will lead this task.
Decision 4: period for each roaster: 2 weeks
4.WIS2 Operational Newsletter
The first WIS2 operational
GISC watch roater: monitor different aspects
)was issued on January 9th to 829 contacts, with a 90% delivery rate and 40% click rate.
The audience includes National Focal Points on WIS matters, SC-IMT ET/TT members, subscribers.
There have been 168 new subscribers in the past 30 days.
The newsletter will serve as the authoritative source for critical operational updates, system changes, new data releases, and service implementations.
ET-WISOP members are expected to provide information for the newsletter. Global broker operators and WIS2 centres can provide content for the newsletter.
The newsletter will be published on a regular basis for implementation status updates, and for planned critical operational updates, as well as transition updates. (at least 2 issues is a target)
Discussion: differences among different Global service operators is now observed from GM dashboard. It can
lead to different interpretations of the status of WIS2 nodes.
Decision: Clarification is needed for each metric.
Decision: Two GMs should have exactly same dashboards.
Action: The Grafana Dashboard for all GISCs will be available and share with all GISCs after GM (China) and GM (Morocco) review and make some adjustments.
Next meeting:
3 February 13h-15h UTC, chaired by Thorsten.